Posted on January 1, 2003
Posted on January 1, 2003
Posted on January 1, 2003
Posted on January 1, 2003
Added my first wallpaper of the new year this morning. “Cradle 2003” is up on the new images page. The original was created using Bryce and a program called “Universe“. Just was with the original “Blue Christmas”, I first rendered the background and then added the stars later. The results looked nice, but they weren’t true “3D” (to me anyway).
The new version comes to you straight out of Lightwave. I still want to try a few more things, but I thought it looked nice enough to share in its current form. I hope you agree. If you have any thoughts please be sure to send them my way.
UPDATE: I’ve posted a very minor revision to “Cradle 03” which fixes a rendering error I had missed last night.
Posted on January 1, 2003