Author: Ryan

Posted on July 7, 2022

Thought I would do at least one variation on “Arroyo“. Sunrises and sunsets are so beautiful in the desert so that’s where I decided to go first. Not sure if I will do a night version or not because this scene was setup to highlight the landscape rather than the sky. I would have to add some sort of light in the foreground or everything would be too dark.

I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think in the comments 🙂

Posted on July 7, 2022

Sat down with the latest version of Gaea over the weekend and started doodling landforms. One thing lead to another and soon I was rendering a desert landscape in VUE.

Added the water because I always like to have a bit of life in these scenes.

I hope you enjoy it!!

Posted on July 7, 2022

Sorry it’s been so long since I last posted. The delay is a combination of me wanting to spend as much time as possible with Ian before he moves away to Bradley University next month and also trying to learn some rather complex new software (Houdini).

I used Houdini here to model and render the galaxy in the distance. It’s not perfect by any stretch but I learned quite a lot creating it. The foreground, by comparison, was created rather quickly in VUE because I know that software like the back of my hand.

I hope you enjoy it!

Posted on June 6, 2022

After creating the night version of “Shallows” I thought I might try the same for the shoreline version. You will notice I’ve kept the illumination on the lilies and have added some fog in the forest to brighten things up a bit.

I hope you enjoy it!

Posted on June 6, 2022

Haven’t decided if this one is going to be featured in the gallery or stay in the Pickle Jar. I wanted to create a night version of “Shallows” but the challenge was to add a bit of light somewhere for contrast. Here I chose simply to illuminate the central lily, sort of like I did for Pot of Gold (Night), but in a much simpler way this time (since the bloom is not the central focus of the scene).

Let me know in the comments if you think this one should be featured in the gallery or stay in the Pickle Jar!