Author: Ryan

Posted on November 11, 2002

  • My new project is rendering right now (taking a long time too) and I hope to have it up later today or early tomorrow at the latest.

Posted on November 11, 2002

  • Some of you commented that the stars behind “Indra” were too faint to be seen so I’ve posted a minor update which should address the issue.

Posted on November 11, 2002

Posted on November 11, 2002

  • I was sidelined by a case of the flu for most of last week and barely made it out of bed. I finally shook it off yesterday and I’m back at work on a new project. I hope to have it up by tomorrow or Tueday.

Posted on October 10, 2002

  • I finally got around to opening up my graphics software yesterday and I actually did quite a few renders. Most of them were nonsense doodles, warming up you might say.

    Jessie thought one of them looked nice however, and said I should post it for you. I’ve titled it “Muted Autumn” and it’s up on the new images page. I hope you like it. I’m still working on other projects and should have some new renders up shortly.