Posted on August 8, 2002
As I mentioned in my notes fom 8/11, Jessie and I have been entertaining family over the past week. Sometimes I wish I lived closer to home, but then I remember those Illinois winters and I remember why I moved to San Diego in the first place. Still, don’t be surprised if we move back there someday. Jessie and I are thinking about having a child or two and it would be a shame for them to grow up without the benefit of grandparents. Just a thought…
Anyway, the response to the version of Karesansui I posted last week was overwhelmingly postive. Thank you! I think I’ll leave it as is, but don’t be surprised if I do more Japanese gardens (wet and dry) in the future. The genre interests me a great deal and I think there’s a lot of “wallpaper potential” to be explored.
I received a lot of requests for a night version, so I went ahead and created one. I went back and forth this morning over whether to add it to the gallery proper or just put it in the Pickle Jar. As you can see, I settled on the former. You’ll find the Night Render on the new images page. I hope you like it. (Update 2:15 PM PST: the first version I posted was a little too dark so I’ve gone ahead and posted a new version with added moonlight. This morning’s post is still in the Pickle Jar. Hope the new render works better for you all! ) On to something new now. I just learned that a 3.2 patch for World Builder has been posted. . .
Posted on August 8, 2002
Posted on August 8, 2002
I’ve added a dual-monitor version of “Rift Canyon” to the 2X gallery. I’m rendering a dual-monitor version of “Atoll” which I hope to have up in the next couple of days.
Some of you folks with Macs have written me asking that I post “split” versions of the dual-monitor screens, since Macs (and some flavors of Unix) cannot stretch one file over two desktops. I’ve added split screen versions of all the files for your convenience.