Posted on August 8, 2002
Posted on August 8, 2002
I’ve made a couple of changes to the gallery pages. First, you will now find a link to the appropriate PNG file (if available) next to each image. Only the images available at 1600 x 1200 have PNG files. In case you are wondering, the PNGs are in Zip files because not all browsers can load PNGs. Most newer browsers can handle them, but I think it alleviates much confusion by offering them as zips.
Second, I’ve given my dual-monitor wallpapers a page of their own. As you can see, I haven’t done very many of these. I have added 3 new ones since yesterday (Homeworld, Dark Matter, and the old El Dios Del Fuego). If you have a favorite wallpaper that you think would work nicely as a dual-head screen, please drop me a line and let me know. I would like to do more of these.
Posted on August 8, 2002
I added “Homeworld” to the gallery today. Technically this could be a considered an update of “Campfires 2002”, because I used the same Earth model (you didn’t think I was going to shelve it after one use did you?). It’s also an update to “Far From Home“, though I’ve chosen not to use the same title.
I have a lot of ideas for things I could add to this image. I know from experience, however, that no matter what I add there will be folks who will ask if they can have just a “simple version”. That’s why I’m posting this first. I hope you like it.
Posted on July 7, 2002
Reaction to yesterday’s scaling back of the User Gallery has been, for the most part, sympathetic. I haven’t deleted the all the UG data yet, in fact I still have all the submissions going back for the past couple of years. I’m just trying to decide what to do with it.
Some folks have suggested that I make the User Gallery members only. Unfortunately I don’t think that would be right. I think it would be inappropriate for me to charge money for access to something which is freely available on the the Net. I don’t think the artists who have submitted their work thus far would appreciate such a move, and I would rather offer my works exclusively in the members gallery. As I said before, I’m still trying to decide what to do with all of the extra submissions.
Now I think I am going to get back to work on some new wallpapers. I just received my copy of Ozone 3D 2.0 in the mail (still awaiting my registration code), and I bought an interesting SubSurface Scattering plugin over the weekend that I’m dying to learn.