Posted on May 5, 2002
Posted on May 5, 2002
Posted on May 5, 2002
I’ve posted a newly tweaked version of “Valley of the Sun”. A lot of you thought the original was too “washed out” by the sun beams and I agree with you about that. There’s a little more detail in the shadows this time, but hopefully it still retains the “hazy morning” look I was going for originally. I’ve put the original version in the Pickle Jar if you care to compare. I think you’ll find the changes are subtle.
I used to enjoy working with World Builder, but lately it’s become rather painful. I’ve become accustomed to a certain level of instability in 3D applications (going all the way back to Bryce 2), but World Builder is like Nitro Glycerine. I don’t think I will be working with it much until the fine folks at Digital-Element (whom I respect a great deal) shore up the holes.
I’ll be moving on now to something new.
Posted on May 5, 2002
As I said yesterday, thanks for being patient with me. My unplanned trip back to Illinois really distrupted my workflow. A took a day to decompress after we got back home and then started in a new wallpaper. The end result is now up on the new images page. Though it’s called “Valley of the Sun 2002“, it bears little resemblance to the original 1998 Bryce render. I just thought the title fit.
Anyway, I hope you like it. I know the sunlight is a little on the bright side, and I will be trying to tweak that over the next day or so. Feel free to write if you have comments or suggestions.