Author: Ryan

Posted on October 10, 2001

  • I’ve posted an updated version of “The Summoning“, correcting some of the issues present in the first version. Thanks to everyone who sent in comments! The old version is till available in the PickleJar along with a red and a green version of the current render.
  • October is an auspicious month for me. I’ve been off of cigarettes for one year now and I’m pretty sure I’ve kicked the habit for good. Many thanks to those who wrote me with support over this past year!

Posted on September 9, 2001

  • Those of you who were members last year will recall that I lost a whole hard drive full of Lightwave files. The hard disk was physically damaged so nothing could be salvaged. Lesson learned: always back up your stuff.

    I lost some of my favorite scenes; including Threesome, Phaeralon, Spire City, and Pyre. Now that I’m offering posters I want to recreate some of those lost scenes in hi-res format. Instead of trying to duplicate them exactly, I’d rather redo them creatively.

    My first offering is now up on the New Images page. It’s called “The Summoning” and it is meant to replace “Pyre”. If you have comparison thoughts, I would love to hear them.

Posted on September 9, 2001

  • It’s been very difficult to work this past week. I’ve spent way too much time watching CNN. It was really hard getting started on a new project. The images in my head were not suitable for public display.

    It wasn’t until yesterday that I was able to turn off the news, sit at my computer and create. The result, “Autumn Shrine”, is now up on the new images page. I hope you enjoy it.

Posted on September 9, 2001

  • All day long the requests have been pouring in: “I need an American Flag for my desktop!”. Normally I try to run DB as a “global” website, but for now I want to take care of my countrymen (and myself). I added “The Emblem Of” to the both the members and the free gallery tonight.

Posted on September 9, 2001

  • What an awful, horrible day. I woke up this morning all set to celebrate my 30th birthday and post this picture that I’ve been working on but all that seems so insignificant now. I decided to post the picture, just in case some of you have stopped by searching for a spot of beauty on this dark day. I hope all of you and your loved ones are safe.