Author: Ryan

Posted on March 3, 2001

Posted on March 3, 2001

  • My new render “Forest Citadel” is now up in the gallery. Most of the development time on this one was spent trying to figure out (once and for all) how get a textured model from Lightwave into World Builder. I think I finally have it figured out so you should be seeing more interesting objects in my World Builder renders from now on. If you are interested in the process, or just want to comment on this latest render, please drop me a line.

Posted on March 3, 2001

  • Hi folks. Yes, I am working on something new. I expect it will be looking good today or tomorrow and it will be up in the gallery immediately thereafter. Thanks for your patience!

Posted on February 2, 2001

  • I just added “Nova”, a companion piece to “Protostar”, to the gallery. Yes, more “Cosmos” influence here. I hope you like it.

Posted on February 2, 2001

  • Hi folks. Not much new to report on the image front. I’ve been out of town since last Thursday but I’m back now and ready to get to work. My best friend from back home came out with his family to attend a wedding in Napa Valley. Jessie and I flew up from San Diego to hang out with them (since it’s been over a year). We’re back now and we had a wonderful time (more on that in a moment).

    Since I’ve been gone I haven’t had any time to work on new wallpapers. Last week when I uploaded a second Vue d’Esprit render which I did not list on the new images page. It’s probably new to most of you. That will have to do for now, until I get back into the swing of things. It’s called “Estuary” and you can view it on the new images page.

  • My last bit of news is of a personal nature. Jessie and I met back in 1996, before I had even conceived of starting this web site. I can barely remember life without her. On Saturday night, on the 46th floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in downtown San Francisco, I (finally) asked her to marry me and she said yes. I can truly say that I am the luckiest man alive.

    We haven’t set the date yet, but you’ll see it here when we do.