Author: Ryan

Posted on December 12, 2000

  • This project I’m working on is taking longer than I had imagined. Part of that, I’ll admit, is due to me watching the “Dune” mini-series for the past three nights. I liked it, BTW.

    My new project isn’t near complete yet, but I’ve posted a render so you can get a glimpse at the direction I’m heading. I’ve put it in the PickleJar if you want a sneak peak. I don’t think it’s “done” enough to put it on the New Images page.

    More to come!

Posted on November 11, 2000

  • Hi folks. Just thought I would check in since it’s been over a week since my last update. Here’s the scoop:

    I’m still fighting the good fight on the smoking front. I’d like to thank all of you who have written me with advice and encouragement. You’ve helped me a great deal and I hope to be able to answer all your letters in good time.

    I’m sorry that my struggle has impacted the frequency of my posts. I am simply not sitting at my computer as much as I used to. I’m sleeping through the night instead of getting up at 2 a.m. to work. I’m taking more walks with Jessica ( it’s easy not to smoke when I’m around her).

    In short, I’ve been working less for the past few weeks, mainly to avoid the cravings.

    I am working though, and I know a lot of you out there a looking forward to a holiday wallpaper or two.

    I started working on something last week. The idea: a cozy little cabin on a winter night. That’s pretty much the essence of what Christmas is all about for me; it’s cold and dark outside but you’re inside all warm with your friends and family. When I looked at the render, though, I was concerned that it didn’t look enough like a “traditional” Christmas picture. There aren’t any flashy lights or Santa Clauses.

    So for the past few days I’ve been puzzling over what I could add to make it look more festive, and this morning I decided I had waited long enough. The new render, which I’ve titled simply “December”, is up on the New Images page. Don’t be surprised if you see another version before the year is out.

Posted on November 11, 2000

  • First off I want to wish all my American friends a happy Thanksgiving. I’m staying put this year, but if you’re travelling I wish you a safe journey.

    Secondly, I’d like to direct your attention to the new images page. You’ll find my latest upload at the top of the page: “Campfires 2000”. As the title suggests, it is an update of the “Campfires” image I posted last year. I hope you like it.

    Now I’d like to share something personal with you. You may or may not have noticed that my work has slowed somewhat in the past few weeks. There is a reason for this.

    About three weeks ago I decided it was time to break my 10 year smoking habit. It hasn’t been easy. Smoking was always a part of “the process” for me. I smoked when I worked and I still feel a strong “need” to smoke when I sit down at my computer to work. The mental energies that were going into my artwork now seem to be directed mainly at surpressing my urge to light up.

    So I beg your patience while I sort this all out. I’m sure as time passes life will get back to normal for me and the artwork will start flowing again. If any of you would like to share your own success stories or encouragement, please send them along.

    Again, I’m sorry if things slow down a bit for the next few weeks. Hopefully it will pay off in the long run.

Posted on October 10, 2000

  • Sorry it’s been so long since my last update. I’ve been working on finishing “City of the Dead” for the past 5 days, trying to get it as creepy as possible. I’ve also been putting the finishing touches on my CDROM (spurred on by countless emails asking when it would be available). The CDROM files and cover art are finally in the hands of my publisher, and my latest version of “City of the Dead” is finally available on the new images page. The first render is still available in the picklejar. Thanks to everyone for your comments on the first version, they really helped.
  • I finally got around to mailing off my failed hard disk last week (see 9-17 below). A few days later I got the bad news: the disk is a total loss. Apperently the heads crashed and scratched up the platters. Nothing could be retrieved. Always back up your data folks.
  • Are any of you fans of the band “Orgy”? If so and in case you’re wondering, yes, that’s “Chamelea” inside the cover of their latest CD. They contacted me a few months ago about using it but I didn’t want to say anything until I saw it for myself. Pretty cool I guess.

Posted on October 10, 2000

  • I’ve posted the foliage image I mentioned yesterday. It’s called “Autumn Fire” and you’ll find it on the new images page. Just for the record, this pic took 124 hours to render on my “old” PIII 550. I’d love to hear what you think about it, but don’t expect any updates this week 😉
  • I’m going to turn now to finishing my 2nd Ed CDROM. I’ve made a few changes to “City of the Dead” but I want to work on it a little more before I post an update. Thanks for all the feedback!