Posted on October 10, 1999
As I mentioned yesterday, you now have the option to extend your membership for one year or one month. Your expiration date will be extended from the original time you were set to expire, not from today’s date, so you still get all the time you originally paid for. The maximum subscription length is capped at 2 years, so if you were extend your membership to 2 years today, you wouldn’t be able to extend it further until one year had passed.
The cost to extend your membership for one year is $20, %20 off the non-member rate. If you’re on a budget or you have an extremely hazardous job you can can extend your membership by just one month (31 days) for only $10 ($2, or 16%, off the non-member rate).
Click here to access the order form. It will show you how much time you have left currently and how much you would have if you applied an extension. You will need to renter your username and password to access the form.
Posted on October 10, 1999
Posted on October 10, 1999
If you’re interested, here is the new login page I’m working on for the dedicated server. It’s a lot of graphics, I know, and it’ll probably choke your modem. It’s also probably too big to fit on your monitor. That’s ok.
Fortunately, you’re already a member and you can still skip directly into the members gallery by bookmarking this page.
Basically, the login page will load when someone clicks on the “member’s login” on my free site (the link currently goes directly into the member’s gallery). The visitor (persumably a non-member) will get a look at my wanton display of Javascript rollovers and be immediately hynoptised into joining 🙂 Just kidding. Actually I just wanted to dress up my front door a little. Like I said, you don’t have to look at it.
Posted on October 10, 1999
What am I working on this week and the next?
In addition to those, I was considering (as a more long term goal) adding a discussion board. I don’t want to re-invent the wheel on this one, so I’m evaluating one or two “off-the-shelf” scripts and I’m leaning towards “The Ultimate Bulliten Board“. Quite a few people have written me about this and I think it sounds interesting, though I’ll admit to being a little uneasy about hosting an open discussion on the merits of my artwork. Would you invite people into your house just so they could criticize you?
On the flip-side of that coin, I wouldn’t want to host a “mutual-admiration society” either. Check out my guestbook if you want to see what I’m talking about. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy the guestbook and the tons of email I get everyday from people who enjoy my work. I’d just rather keep those lines of communication in their proper place.
So I’m putting the question to you: if I hosted a discussion board, would you use it? What kinds of things would you like to talk about? Should I have seperate boards for the member’s gallery and the public gallery, or should everyone be able to talk (I’m leaning towards the latter, don’t worry though you won’t have to look at any banner ads). Please drop me a line with your thoughts!
Posted on October 10, 1999
“Cradle” is new today in the “Planetscapes” gallery and the WIP. You’ll have a hard time spotting the planets in this one though, because there are none. If you’re creative, however, you can imagine that there are planets around each of the stars. They’re just too small to see 🙂 This image, uses the same volumetric rendering techniques I was exploring in “Cumulus“. Only 3 spheres this time though. The big stars were added using a little $25 shareware program I bought just for the occasion. It’s called Universe and it’s free to try.