Posted on August 8, 2021
As promised, here’s the daylit version of “Lupine Vale” that I created last week. In this case I thought it might be interesting to show the night version first so I went ahead and created one and posted it over the weekend. I know a lot of folks were looking for wolves in the night version but the title actually refers to the species of wildflower in the foreground 🙂
They don’t stand out quite as much in the night version but I knew I wanted to use this title. Sorry for the confusion!
I hope you enjoy them both!!
Posted on August 8, 2021
While building “Springwalk” a few weeks ago I tried a few different types of flowers in the undergrowth. One of them was a beautiful lupine species included in the “Plant Catalog” that comes with VUE Enterprise. It didn’t work for that scene but I knew I wanted to do another using it soon.
I’ve created and rendered the daylight version of this scene already (and Jessie has told me it’s very pretty). Before I posted it though I decided I would go ahead and create a night version and show you that first just to shake things up a bit.
Enjoy and please let me know what you think!
Posted on August 8, 2021
Apologies to all the trypophobes out there. I created this one in Blender while exploring the same techniques I used to create “Fabrica“. If it looks sort of familiar that’s because I used some of the minimal surface geometry I created for “Acumen” as the framework.
Regarding the title: I wracked my brain for a decent one for a good 24 hours. It’s always the last step before I post a render. I showed it to Jessie and she had it figured out in about a minute :-D. Teamwork!!
Posted on August 8, 2021
The fourth and final entry in my “Walk” seasonal series. I’d considered waiting and creating/releasing these during the seasons represented but decided against it. I hope you guys aren’t getting weary of them.
As for this spring version, after returning from our family road trip I created a spring render with green leaves rather quickly. After finishing it I decided to try a version with small purple blooms and I felt that one better represented the season. I will share the first version eventually though 🙂
I hope you enjoy this render and the entire series!
Posted on July 7, 2021
The new technique I developed for scattering fireflies through my Nightwalk scene worked so well that I also used it to add falling leaves to Goldenwalk (be sure to check out the new version in the gallery). The next step was to scale it up to add snowflakes to a winter scene.
Let me know what you think of the results. At the very least it should cool off your desktop during a hot summer.
Hope you enjoy it! Dual and triple-screens available.