Author: Ryan

Posted on May 5, 2021

Tropical Moon of Amatheia

It’s hard to believe that it has been 20 years since I posted “Tropical Moon of Thetis“. I’ve made lots of similar renders over the years but I wanted to create something with Blender and VUE that was something of a more direct tribute. I hope you enjoy it!! Night version forthcoming…

Posted on May 5, 2021


Nothing too fancy or outrageous here; just my first attempt at modeling and rendering a planet in Blender 2.9. I’d had a very quick process for creating planets in Ligtwave but Blender has a whole new system. I plan on using the planet as a backdrop but found it made a nice wallpaper by itself so I’ve added it to the gallery.

Stay tuned for a another view or two 🙂

Posted on April 4, 2021

The White Woods (Night)

I have to admit that I was a bit nervous when creating “The White Woods” thinking that folks might hate it because it was so different from my usual render. The reaction really blew me away and I’m grateful.

I did receive a number of requests for different sky colors but the only one that made sense (for me) to try was black. I even added some stars so I could put this one in the Night Gallery 🙂

Posted on April 4, 2021

The White Woods

I know this one is a bit different. Recently I was watching an anime with my kids and a particular line (“white trees under a red sky”) painted a picture in my brain that I wanted to try rendering. This one borders between abstract and landscape so I will understand if it’s not for everyone 🙂

Posted on April 4, 2021

Cloudvale (Night)

Here’s a different mood for “Cloudvale”. I chose not the move the clouds around because getting them set up for the first version was quite an involved process. The valley is still under there after all and I want it all hidden (naturally, rather than me hiding it from the renderer) for these renders.