Author: Ryan

Posted on October 10, 2020

Pageantry (Night)

Multi-Screen Render

A number of folks mentioned that “Pageantry (Night)” was “spooky” enough for Halloween but I wanted to go a little further in that direction. I’d initially had this in the Pickle Jar but perhaps it is suitable for the Halloween gallery??

Posted on October 10, 2020

Pageantry (Night)

Multi-Screen Render

I haven’t committed to making a full dynamic series of “Pageantry” yet but I did want to at least create a night version. The challenge here was to preserve a bit of the color from the original in the foreground while still having something interesting to look at out in the darkness. It is an Autumn scene after all.

I decided to add a bit of light being the viewer (and cabin or campfire maybe) to brighten things up a bit. Let me know if you think I’ve succeeded or not.

Posted on September 9, 2020

A New Home for DB

Things might not look too different but if you are reading this page then my site is being hosted by a different company for the first time in 20 years. My old host charged too much compared to what other companies were offering. You can’t say I wasn’t loyal.

My new server should be powerful enough and have plenty of bandwidth, but unfortunately I’ve had to temporarily shut down my credit card forms because my merchant bank also hasn’t been upgrading my service with the times. It’s a long story, but they have me on a new service that will prove stronger for DB 2.0 (which is coming soon!!) but doesn’t work that well for DB 1.0.

You can still support my work using PayPal for the time being and I will work to get some other options available if the new site isn’t active before too long.

There may be a gremlin or two still hiding in the old site from the move so let me know if you find anything glaring. I think you will like what Cris and I are working on for the future though. It will be a far easier site both for me to run and for you to navigate.

Posted on September 9, 2020


Multi-Screen Render

Autumn scenes are some of my favorites. The season is a lot different in the mountains than the Midwestern season I am used to and, tbh, I don’t have a whole lot of experience with it. This is my fanciful version then created as a Midwesterner might imagine it 🙂

Posted on September 9, 2020

Above All

Multi-Screen Render

After posting “Substellar” more than one of my Members requested that I create something without a “central focus” that would usable as a background for virtual meetings. I’ve needed to really figure out cloud sculpting in VUE so this seemed like a good excuse.

This piece is an experiment along those lines. I honestly don’t do a lot of virtual meetings so please let me know what sorts of things you look for in a good meeting background! Also be sure to check out my looping animations if you are interested….