Posted on June 6, 2020
My original vision for “Gazebo (2020)” was a bit darker and more high contrast than what eventually came to be. After initially setting things I up I asked Jessie how she felt about it. She told me she wanted to see something sunnier and happier. That’s just how she is 🙂
Of course I was crushed but went with her suggestions because I knew I would still have a night version to play around with. Did something a bit different for this one though. Vue only allows one light source to effect the sky so to get realistic planet glow around all three celestial objects I rendered the scene three separate times with the light sourced moved and the color changed. I then combined the three renders using Photoshop. The things you can do when you have more than one decent machine 🙂
I hope you enjoy it!!
Posted on June 6, 2020
When I started re-working some of older renders earlier this year Jessie put in a request that I do a brighter, happier version of “Gazebo” so here I’m trying to combine the best elements from the two best earlier attempts (’98 and ’03) and go from there. She actually gave me quite a bit of input on this one so it was almost a collaboration. We hope you enjoy it 🙂
Rendered on Rochallor. Non-watermarked lossless 8K version is available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above).
Posted on June 6, 2020
Of course I had always planned a night version of The Shard. It turned out to be a bit more complicated that I’d initially imagined. Decided I finally liked it when I turned the weirdness up a bit and changed the blue moonlight to blood red… Created and rendered on Rochallor.
Non-watermarked lossless 8K version is available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above).
Posted on June 6, 2020
I was going through my old files on Bucephalus recently and found this version of an old favorite. It still needed a bit of work (the atmosphere is all new) but I thought it was worth rendering and giving it a place of its own in the gallery (even after all these years).
Non-watermarked lossless 8K version is available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above).
Posted on June 6, 2020
Recently I’ve been going through my 90s Bryce creations looking for highlights that deserve to be re-rendered at higher resolutions. I feel like “Nocturne” from 1998 is one such project, but I’ve been disappointed to find that my copy of Bryce cannot open my earliest projects such as this one.
I decided to reimagine it instead. The planet was created using Lightwave on Bucephalus and the scene was created and rendered using Vue & Gaea on Shadowfax.
I hope you enjoy the new version!
Non-watermarked lossless 8K version is available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above).