Author: Ryan

Posted on March 3, 2020


Multi-Screen Render

I’ve been wanting to do a proper Sonoran desert scene for a while now. Over the last few months I’ve come back to the theme quite a few times and have rendered a number of attempts that never made the gallery. I think these scene turned out pretty well though and I hope you enjoy it. Perhaps I will post some of the rejects in the weeks ahead 🙂

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions are on the way

Posted on March 3, 2020

Boardwalk (Day)

Multi-Screen Render

I thought it would be fun to see what the Boardwalk looked like during the daytime. I wanted to keep the “luminous” quality of the spheres so I backlit them with some subtle SSS. I hope you enjoy it!

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions are on the way

This piece really pushed Bucephalus to the max so… Please help Project Rochallor get to the finish line!!

Posted on February 2, 2020


Multi-Screen Render

Believe it or not this is actually the same model from The Oddball but evolved quite a bit. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could build walkways or other architecture using Plant Factory. This first iteration is a bit on the fanciful side (I actually couldn’t decide if this was a night scene or an abstract) but I could see some interesting future applications.

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions are on the way

Posted on February 2, 2020

The Oddball

Multi-Screen Render

After posting “Fireborn” last week one of my Members wrote to ask if I was ever going to make any more abstracts. I checked and discovered that it’s been nearly 40 renders since I’ve posted one! While Shadowfax chugs away rendering my volcano for multiple-monitors, I set about creating a new abstract on Bucephalus.

The result is a piece I call “The Oddball“. I used techniques similar to what I used for “Shades of Blue” but took things a bit further. I hope you enjoy it!

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions are available!

Please help Project Rochallor get to the finish line!!

Posted on February 2, 2020


Multi-Screen Render

Years ago I saw a photo of an Indonesian volcano that quickly become jammed in my memory banks. Sort of like an earworm but for the mind’s eye. I’ve been wanting to try to bring it to life for a while but I knew it would be a pretty complex undertaking. Indeed this scene took quite a bit longer than usual to get right.

I decided it would be more interesting if I based my scene on my memory of the photo rather than looking up the actual place. Maybe you will still recognize it…

Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions, unfortunately, are still a ways off.