Posted on April 4, 2018
Where I live it seems like Winter has held on long past when it should have ended. It’s cold, the trees are still mostly bare and only a few tentative blooms have popped up here and there. You get a warm(ish) day and a few rays of sunlight, however, and life seems ready to burst forth. This piece is my expression of that hope.
On the technical side, I was excited to try out the new “flower” nodes available in Plant Factory. I used them for the tree blooms here and I think there are some exciting possiblities!! I hope you enjoy it!
Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions are already rendering on Bucephalus.
Posted on April 4, 2018
There was a lot that I liked about “Oceana” but there was a lot that (I felt) didn’t work out. Some of the geometry was broken (due to excessive displacement), it wasn’t as colorful as I would like, and it took so long to render that I couldn’t really make revisions or a multiscreen version.
Consider this scene to be something of a “do over”. For starters it only took less than a tenth of the time to render on Shadowfax so I should be able to create a multiscreen version (maybe even a VR panorama) without difficulty.
BTW, It started as an exercise learning Oculus Medium but most of that geometry is covered up with undersea life 🙂
Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions upcoming!
Posted on April 4, 2018
You probably suspected something like this was coming. I would have had it finished sooner but the first render attempt crashed near the end and I had to rework a few things. Hope you enjoy it!
The dual and triple-screen version of “Bayou” is finishing up on Bucephalus right now and should be available soon!
Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions upcoming!
Posted on April 4, 2018
Applying some of the techniques from “Stasis” and “Nascence” to a more traditional landscape scene. Can you believe I’ve never attempted a “bayou” render in all these years?
Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions upcoming!
Posted on March 3, 2018
Like “Stasis” before it, this render was a learning exercise exploring new shading/modeling techniques using Plant Factory and Vue. I’m specifically interested here in learning Vue’s subsurface scattering and getting it to render somewhat economically. Of course, my primary goal is always to create striking and thought-provoking images for your desktop and I hope you feel I’ve succeeded here 🙂
Non-watermarked lossless 8K version available to Lifetime Supporters and Plus Level Members (and above). Dual and triple-screen versions upcoming!