Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on August 18, 2023

Stillwater (Autumn)

I know it isn’t officially Fall for a month or so yet but I usually get the urge to revisit the season around the time when my kids start getting ready to go back to school.   Used VUE here and I will be sharing at least three seasons of this scene.    I already have a nighttime render of this Autumn version that I am excited to share soon.

I’ve featured this piece (and a winter version which I will post in the gallery later) in my brand new 2024 wall calendar which is available now. I hope you enjoy this series!!

Posted on August 10, 2023


After creating a long string of VUE landscapes I wanted to dip back into Cinema4D and Octane to keep up my learning.   Exploring a very interesting modeling plugin called “Divider” here and using it as a spring board to learn more about Octane materials and rendering.   Sort of minimal but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.   Inspired by the abstract paintings of Piet Mondrian.