Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on August 11, 2012

Year of the Dragon (Night) -- Added 08/11/12Quite a few Members have requested that I try a night version of “Year of the Dragon” so thought I would give it a shot.

Some suggested that I add aurora, fireworks, and other night lights to the scene but, after trying a number of these, I thought it worked best with just the stars and planets.

I hope you like it! Let me know what you think in the comments thread.

Posted on August 10, 2012

Arboreal (2012) -- Added 08/10/12I’ve added a “work-in-progress” update to 2003’s “Arboreal” to the Members Gallery this afternoon. I’m not completely happy with where it’s at, but I think it looks nice enough to share while I make my adjustments.

This is another piece that I put together on my “Asfaloth” mobile workstation while Bucephalus was rendering “Year of the Dragon“. I can’t tell you how nice it is to be able to work on projects while my main workstation is busy rendering!

Anyway, this one will surely see a revision or two in the days ahead. Let me know what you think in the comments section. Have a great weekend!

Posted on August 9, 2012

I apologize for the delay in posting the multiple-monitor version of “Year of the Dragon”. I set the scene to render at 7680 x 4800 when I left on my recent trip down to Texas but found upon my return that it had crashed halfway through. My intention had been to source the multiscreen from the larger, poster sized render.

I set up a new 7680 x 1600 version of the scene and started it rendering yesterday morning, but it still shows another 24 hours to go. Rather than having everyone wait even longer I decided to take what I had from the crashed render and create a dual and triple-screen versions from that.

As always, some compromises had to be made to fit the scene into a wildly different aspect ratio. Let me know what you guys think…

Posted on August 8, 2012

Just got back from a visit with good friends and family down in Texas. I’d hoped the multiscreen version of “Year of the Dragon” would have been finished rendered by the time I returned but unfortunately it crashed midway and I am reworking it now. I hope to have it finished before tomorrow.

In the meantime, here are some Pickle Jar versions from the early development that I think some of you might enjoy…

What do you think? Should I have kept the beach scene?

Lastly, I also wanted to mention that I have replaced the Facebook comment threads in the Free Gallery with new comment boxes from Disqus. I would love to hear your thoughts on my work!

Members, of course, still have a direct line to me through my native comments .

Posted on July 31, 2012

Year of the Dragon -- Added 07/31/12I’ve added “Year of the Dragon” to the Members Gallery this morning.

This piece started out as a commission for a rather well-known individual, but for reasons beyond my control I was never able to deliver it as a private wallpaper. I thought the idea behind it was pretty cool however so I went ahead and fleshed it out.

I wonder if anyone can guess who the original recipient was supposed to be.