Posted on March 5, 2012
Last year I added “coupon codes” to DB so I could offer a special discount every so often. It was nice to start with, but over time I have come to realize that a lot of folks were “waiting for the next special” and that’s not where I want to be. There was also the awkward position of offering a discount only minutes after someone had signed up at the regular price.
I have decided going forward to keep only the three coupon codes I have in place for education discounts (code: learning), military discounts (code: liberty) and returning Members (code: iamback). The discount for people who purchase Chronowall will also remain in place.
I am offering one last coupon code today through midnight 3/7 (code: lastsale) for everyone who has been waiting for the next one and then I will be discontinuing all other coupon codes.
All Memberships and Renewals are 25% off from now until midnight 3/7 if you use the coupon code “lastsale”.
Renewals are added onto your current Membership so you will lose nothing by renewing during this last special.
Get ’em while they are hot! Feel free to leave any questions or comments in the thread below.
Thanks everyone for supporting my work!!
Posted on March 3, 2012
Back in early January I added a collection of free images for use with Facebook’s new “Timeline” profile format. So many people have enjoyed using them that I’ve given them their own gallery on DB so you can browse through them a bit more easily.
As always, Digital Blasphemy Members can download them all in a handy zip file on my Downloads page.
What exactly is a “Facebook Timeline Cover”? Click here for more info.
The multiscreen of “Redfern Forest” is now rendering on my alternate box and I have a new project rendering on Bucephalus. Stay tuned!
Posted on February 29, 2012
I’ve added a third (and most likely final) version of “Redfern Forest” to the Members Gallery this morning.
I’ve darkened the tree bark considerably and scaled back the displacement mapping on the tree trunks. They should look less jagged but still retain some texture. I also dialed back the atmosphere quality a bit so it would render quicker.
I haven’t really changed anything with the composition.
It’s not perfect but I’m ready to move on. Multiscreen render next!
Posted on February 21, 2012
I have brought back the Digital Blasphemy User Gallery and am now accepting submissions again. If you’ve been inspired by my artwork or just feel that my users would enjoy your 3D renders please feel free to submit your work!
I have a new landscape project going now so I doubt I will do any versions of this one. No ETA yet but it is showing promise!
Posted on February 18, 2012
I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of Annuli to the Members Gallery this afternoon. I’ve added a free version for Facebook Timelines as well.
I’ve also added a version in the Pickle Jar with the focal point a little closer to the camera. What do you think? Should I add a few color variations too?
Lastly I wanted to share this short video of Ian playing with my Dad. I shot it back in 2006 and times like this were the reason I moved my family cross-country 7 years ago.