Posted on July 14, 2011
I’ve posted a new (final?) version of “Heliocentric” in the Members Gallery today. I’ve changed up the foreground quite a bit, added some more trees in the valley, and brought back the sunlight on the near mountain peak. The previous versions remain available in the Pickle Jar.
For the rest of the day the coupon code “heliocentric” will save you $10 off the price any new yearly/lifetime Membership or Renewal (2-year and up). Enjoy!
You may notice that the 2560 x 1600 file now has a PNG version. This is a lossless file that looks exactly like my original uncompressed render. Basically it is the “purest” image possible.
I’ve added PNG versions for my newer images and will be adding more (and more resolutions) over time. Members can download them all here in a zip file.
The main deciding factor in adding more will be how they impact my bandwidth budget per month vs how many more people sign-up/renew with them as an option.
Let me know your thoughts on new render. I am eager to get started with the multiscreen version…
Posted on July 9, 2011
I’ve posted a new version of Heliocentric in the Members Gallery this morning. The clouds are smoothed out a bit as are the rocks in the foreground. There are a few other little tweaks that I will leave for you to discover.
There are still a couple of areas that might need a tweak or two, but I thought I would hear some feedback first. The first version will remain available in the Pickle Jar for comparison.
Posted on July 7, 2011
A couple of items to mention this morning.
First, I’ve added “Heliocentric” to the Members gallery. As promised, it is cheerier than Dødenfell.
This one is still a bit rough around the edges but thought it looked nice enough to share while I do some more polishing. It rendered in 14 hours on Bucephalus, which means it would have taken nearly 2 days to complete on my old workstation!
FYI: I’ve added nearly 300 1600 x 900 wallpapers to the gallery this afternoon. Members can download them individually or all-at-once in a zip file here. All new wallpapers will be available at that resolution.
Posted on July 5, 2011
A couple of items to mention today. First, I’ve added a new wallpaper to the free gallery this morning. “Pulsar” is one of my favorite space wallpapers from 2010. I hope you enjoy it.
I am also working on a new render for my Members that I hope to have up shortly.
Stay tuned!
Posted on July 1, 2011
A few items to mention today. First, I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “Phraxis Moon” to the Members gallery this afternoon. Those of you who thought the physics of such a scene were outlandish in the single screen version will find more to love in the expanded frame.
I’ve also finally come up with a design I can be proud of for Zazzle’s black t-shirts. It took quite a bit of fiddling with my original Lightwave file to render a version that would work well but I’m very happy with this. The text is customizable so write whatever you like or remove it altogether. I’m going to be ordering a few of these right now for the me & the family. Sure to raise an eyebrow or two at my kid’s school but that’s okay with me 😉
FYI: Zazzle is offering 17.76% off all t-shirt orders this weekend if you use the coupon code “LANDOFTHETEE”. The design is available on any of Zazzle’s black appearal including long sleeve tees and sweatshirts for all ages and genders. Enjoy!
Lastly I wanted to give a plug for a wallpaper management program that one of my Members is developing. It’s called “Chronowall” and it adds some features that seem tailor-made for my images (changing the image according to time of day, shifting the hue for different colors, and other cool effects). The program is in beta right now but he may still have some slots open if you want to sign up as a tester. The developer was also nice enough to purchase a commercial license and feature my work in his example screenshots. Well done Joshua!
Have a great weekend everyone!