Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on May 17, 2023

Overture (Night)

A fan on Facebook suggested I add lights from campfires to the night version of “Overture” so I gave that a try.     It took a bit of experimentation to come up with a look that I liked though. The first version (in the Pickle Jar) had lights that were a bit too bright, evoking a possible forest fire. For the second version I removed the lights altogether.

The third (and final) version has more muted lights while I’ve also added some foreground lighting from a campfire behind the viewer. Let me know which version is your favorite in the comments 🙂

Posted on May 12, 2023


This started as a doodle on my Shadowfax workstation while my main machine was busy, but I saw the potential and ended up finishing it on Rochallor.  The main idea here was to create the foreground first and then an interesting vista in the background, which is usually the reverse of how I work.  Mountains modeled using Gaea.

I hope you enjoy it. Going to be working on learning some new landscape software soon but VUE keeps calling be back 😄

Posted on May 4, 2023


When I was creating “Cloudbreak” back in January my original idea was to add a forest to the scene.   I was worried, however, that it would take too long to render so I went forward without trees.   I recently decided to reopen the scene and see if I could add them and have the scene render economically (on Shadowfax no less).   To better see the individual trees (and shave a few hours off the render time) I’ve zoomed in the camera just a bit.    Sunrise version forthcoming…

Either this render or the original will go into the Pickle Jar shortly so let me know which you prefer!