Posted on March 7, 2025
Continuing my deep dive into nebula creation using Blender that I started with “Outland“. Again I used Gaea2 for the foreground though I intentionally kept things minimal because I wanted to the sky, atmosphere and reflections to be the focus. Blender nebulae are created using a very different procedure than how I’ve created them using Cinema4D and I’m trying to decide which I prefer going forward.
They each have their pros and cons but both are fun to explore. I hope you enjoy my experiments!
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Posted on March 5, 2025
In 2022 I created a special version of “Fluorescence” using the colors of the Ukrainian flag to show my support. Just recently a member requested that I update my “Cobalt Daisy” with those colors given that the sunflower happens to be the national flower of Ukraine. I thought it a worthwhile endeavor so I fired up my old copy of Lightwave on my Shadowfax workstation and came up with this new version.
Like the special version of “Fluorescence”, this special version is free to download.
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Posted on February 28, 2025
Here’s a second version of “Morrow Grove (Spring)” in which I’ve replaced the grass and flowers with a carpet of bluebells. The forest behind my home gets a similar flood of bluebells in early spring and I always look forward to walking among them.
Which version do you prefer?? For now this is the version featured in the gallery and yesterday’s version is in the Pickle Jar.
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Posted on February 27, 2025
Around the end of February my thoughts (and the requests from Members) turn to Springtime renders. My first Spring render of 2025 is an adaptation of “Morrow Grove“. Added some green foliage and flowers and have generally turned the dark “forest of death’ from “Night Terror” into a sunny slice of nascent life. I hope you enjoy it!
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Posted on February 20, 2025
This piece was born from my working to learn how to create nebulae in Blender. The process is a quite a bit different than using C4D so I wanted to explore it a bit. Once I had the result I liked (after much tweaking and rendering using Cycles) I set about creating a foreground world using GAEA2 and VUE.
The result is a somber, half-lit world but I hope it makes for a nice background on your desktop.
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