Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on November 23, 2009

  • I’m up to my elbows in Vue 8 and hope to have a new wallpaper up later this week but I wanted to take time mention a policy change.

    From here on out the renewal price for current members will be $12 (down from the original $15). The 2 and 3 year renewal rates have gone down accordingly.

    It has long been my policy to allow expired Members to renew at the $15 rate and this will not change. The $15 yearly renewal rate will remain an option for expired Members, but Members who choose to stay current will get an even better rate.

    Feel free to post in the comments thread below if you have any questions or comments.

Posted on November 21, 2009

Posted on November 19, 2009

  • I’ve added the dual and triple screen versions of both “Cerulean” and “Canopy Creek (Winter/Night)” to the gallery this morning. For the “Cerulean” dual-screen I choose not to split it down the middle but rater expand the image to the left. Hope it won’t be a problem.

    My database problem yesterday may have prevented some of you from posting comments or leaving ratings. Please drop me a line if you are unable to post in the comments thread or leave ratings and I will see what I can do to get it sorted out.

Posted on November 18, 2009

  • I had a little database mishap this afternoon and, I’m sorry to say, all the ratings for “Cerulean” were erased (along with one comment). Due to how the database is set up the only way to let people rate the image is to repost it with a different filename (“cerulean2”). If you already rated it and want your rating to count I ask that you submit it one more time.

    Sorry for the mixup!

Posted on November 17, 2009

  • I’ve added a new abstract, “Cerulean“, to the gallery this evening. It was a lot of fun using Lightwave after a long stretch of Vue d’Esprit images and refreshing to have an image render in only a few hours (as opposed to few days).

    Speaking of multi-day renders. The multi-screen “Canopy Creek (Winter/Night)” is busy rendering on my other box and I hope to have it up before the weekend.