Posted on July 27, 2009
I’ve added a “Pay it Forward” program to the Members Gallery. It basically allows you to purchase a 1, 2 or 3 years renewal for a complete stranger. The user is picked at random (only users with less than a year remaining are eligible) and an email is sent to them with a notice that their account has been renewed. I’ve even lowered the renewal prices by a few dollars to make things a little more interesting.
No information about the buyer is given to the recipient, and no information about the recipient is given to the buyer (though each is welcome to make a post in my “Pay it Forward” comments thread). So watch your emails folks, you just might be the recipient of a random act of kindness. If so, I hope you will consider paying it forward.
Posted on July 23, 2009
Posted on July 20, 2009
Wow. I hit a little rough patch healthwise over the past few weeks. I had to go into surgery 3 times (nothing life threatening), most recently last Friday. I think I am coming out of it now though and I did get a chance last week to do some sitting at the computer and do a little creating. I was going back and forth about entering my project in a contest but in the end I decided it was far more important to post it here than wait until the contest was over. Nothing I could possibly win in any contest could be better than the what I have going with Digital Blasphemy. Let others win the prizes.
My new project is called “Canopy Creek” and it’s up now for your review on the new images page. You could call it a reworking of my “Canopy” wallpaper from 2000 though I chose a different title for this one. Thankfully it only took a few hours to render 😉
I have another project that I am still working on and I hope to have that one up before the end of the week. Be sure to check out my news posts below if you only visit the site when I post new images. Thanks!
Posted on July 15, 2009
Posted on July 12, 2009
A few items to report today. First, I am starting work on a new project and leaving the site alone for now (everything will stay as you see it). I’m finally starting to feel normal again.
Second, I was making some changes on my server a couple of days ago (adding a couple of domains) and apperently the changes broke the script which allowed Members to purchase renewals. I just wanted you all to know that the renewal script is working again and anyone who wasn’t able to renew can now do so.
Lastly, I am thinking about entering one of my images in the Vue d’Esprit “Environments” contest. I would like to hear which you guys think would have the best chance of winning. Thanks!!