Posted on July 12, 2009
A few items to report today. First, I am starting work on a new project and leaving the site alone for now (everything will stay as you see it). I’m finally starting to feel normal again.
Second, I was making some changes on my server a couple of days ago (adding a couple of domains) and apperently the changes broke the script which allowed Members to purchase renewals. I just wanted you all to know that the renewal script is working again and anyone who wasn’t able to renew can now do so.
Lastly, I am thinking about entering one of my images in the Vue d’Esprit “Environments” contest. I would like to hear which you guys think would have the best chance of winning. Thanks!!
Posted on July 7, 2009
If I hadn’t been laid up the past couple of weeks I probably would have stopped my workstation in the middle of its epic re-rendering of “Enshrouded”. Since I didn’t have anything better for it to be doing I let it go.
The render finally finished this afternoon and I’ve posted it on the New Images page for your review. The clouds look more like fog to me now and that is what I was going for. Too bad my workstation isn’t fast enough to render these sorts of effects more quickly.
I will set my other renderer going on a multi-screen render ASAP.
As far as the site tweaking goes I think I am done for now. I’ve taken some of the advice given and I have dramatically shortened the links on the left. Access to the gallery is now through the “gallery” link (or the “Newest Images” link above) and once there you can browse my images in a number of ways.
I’ve removed the background image. The people who hated it really hated it a lot and the people who liked it were like “sure whatever”. I’ve also added a comment form to the top of each comments page so you can more easily add your own.
Yes, this site is due for a majhor overhaul using the most modern technology. That will have to wait until I am on my new server though. To be honest, I’m thinking about bringing someone on to help with the web design part of the job. I would rather concentrate more on my artwork.
Anywyay, thanks everyone for the feeback thus far. Let me know what you think of the newest layout.
Posted on July 6, 2009
Posted on July 5, 2009
Posted on July 1, 2009
Time for an update. As you may have noticed, things have slowed down somewhat around here during the past month. The truth is that my medical condition has flared up again and I had to have surgery last Tuesday. The surgery was a “redo” of a procedure I had done originally in December, which turned out to be unsuccessful.
The recovery wasn’t too bad last time so I assumed the same would be true this time around. My Doctor had other ideas though and added some hardware to the procedure to give it a better chance of success. I hope it works because the last week has really been hell on Earth for me.
I’m pretty much bedridden now (typing this on my laptop) and I don’t know how long this will last. At least I am not in the hospital I guess. I sure hope this works (and I never have to go through with it again).
I have set my workstation rendering an “improved” version of “Enshrouded”. The clouds look a lot more like fog and are less busy.Realism comes at a price CPU-wise though. It still has a couple of days left to go and I will try to post it as soon as it is done. I will get a multi-screen render going on another machine after that so I can get busy on a new wallpaper as soon as I can stand sitting at my computer.
I also have a few renders sitting around that I didn’t think were “gallery-quality” but that some of you might enjoy checking out. I’ll try to get those into the Pickle Jar shortly.