Posted on February 28, 2009
I’ve added dual and triple screen versions of “Phraxis” to the gallery this morning. I tried something different with the dual-screen version (splitting the planet between two screens instead of forcing everything onto one side) and I hope it works out.
I’m not ruling out using this planet for a future landscape image (as I mentioned trying out in my previous post) but I think the planetscape will stand as is.
Posted on February 24, 2009
Lately I’ve been experimenting with Apophysis, the freeware flame fractal program, and trying to integrate the fractals into my 3d work. The comet in “Harbinger” is one example. My latest render, a planetscape I call “Phraxis“, continues these experiments.
I would have had this one up a few days ago, but I did some attempts at using this scene as a backdrop for a Vue d’Esprit landscape render. I wasn’t happy with any of the results so I’ve posted it as a pure space scene. I may play around with it some more in Vue, but I thought the scene itself made a nice enough wallpaper so here it is. I hope you enjoy it!
Posted on February 14, 2009
Posted on February 13, 2009
Recovery Update (hope this isn’t TMI): If everything had gone according to plan I should have been close to 100% by now. Unfortunately I came down with an infection in my incision a few days after my operation and we are still dealing trying to get it healed up. A few days ago my surgeon had to reopen part of my incision (not fun) and we may have to reopen more next week if things don’t improve significantly.
Jessie has been great about changing dressings and keeping everything under control, but this is all going way to slow for me.
Just thought I would keep you all in the loop.
I’m not going to lie to you guys. The last 3 or 4 weeks have been pretty rough on me (see the posts below if you haven’t visited in a while). Slowly and steadily, though, I am getting better and this past week I was able to settle in at my workstation and finish the wallpaper I had started before I had to go into the hospital.
I think the piece is ready to put in the gallery and I’m sure a lot of you are ready for something new. It’s a reworking of an image I did back in 2001 called “Harbinger“. “Harbinger (2009)” is now up on the new images page for your review.
It feels good to be posting pictures again. I hope you like this one.
P.S. Happy Birthday Jessie! Thanks for taking such good care of me.
Posted on January 23, 2009
I thought you all might want to know that I was released from the hospital last evening and I am resting comfortably at home now. My kids were thrilled to see me this morning, but didn’t quite understand that I can’t play like I used to. My two year old keeps putting things on my IV scars trying to fix my “boo-boos”.
They gave me fantastic care at the hospital, but nothing compares to the comforts of home. I’m going to be going slow for the next few weeks, but I feel stronger every day and just being at home is an immense psychological boost.
Thanks again for all the great comments. They’ve really kept me going throughout this ordeal!