Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on August 30, 2008

  • Added a new wallpaper to the gallery this morning. I call this one “Lord of the Forest” and it is a loose update of a wallpaper I did back in 1998 (I’ll leave it to you to figure out exactly which image I am updating). I hope you enjoy it!

    I also wanted to mention that I’ve added Christmas postage to my Zazzle collection, for those of you who are looking for that sort of thing in late August/early September.

Posted on August 22, 2008

  • I’ve added dual and triple screen versions of “Hidden Forces” to the gallery this morning.

Posted on August 18, 2008

  • I’ve added my latest wallpaper, “Hidden Forces“, to the gallery this morning. I’m sorry it was a few days past my last estimate. It’s tricky giving estimates on when a piece will be finished. On one hand, I want you all to have an idea of what to expect (so you aren’t constantly checking the site and being disappointed if nothing new is there) on the other hand art is a tricky business and I don’t like to post projects that I feel are incomplete.

    I probably could have spent a few more days working on this one, but I think it’s time to let it out the door. I hope you enjoy it!

  • A personal note: Ian turns 5 years old tomorrow. I’m sure a fair number of you were around when I announced that we were expecting his birth, now he’s a happy healthy 5 year old getting ready to enter kindergarten. His idea of a perfect birthday party: getting his friends together and going to see “Clone Wars” (after cake and presents of course). He’s a Star Wars nut now (favorite movie: The Empire Strikes Back). Anyway, here’s five years of Ian. Happy birthday little buddy!

Posted on August 11, 2008

  • Zazzle is having a back-to-school poster sale until 8/18. My entire poster collection (including my brand new “Moonshadow” print) is 15% off. Simply enter the promo code “BACK2POSTERS” when you check out to get the discount.

    By popular request, I’ve also added the “Fluorescence Triptych” to the Zazzle collection. They’re exactly the same prints that I have hanging behind my desk, except that the blue one does not have the “digital blasphemy” text. They don’t give me an easy way to link to the collection, so simply visit the front page for my Zazzle collection and look for the “Fluorescence Triptych” link on right hand side (under Product Lines).

    I will also be adding more of my images as postage stamps. They should be up tomorrow. If you have a special request for a postage stamp (basically, any image that is already a poster or mousepad is fair game) feel free to post in the comments thread.

    Lastly, I’ve added a 2009 Digital Blasphemy calendar. This time the calendar is printed by Zazzle and there are a host of customization options. It’s a 15 month calendar (spanning Oct ’08-Dec ’09).

  • Work on my newest wallpaper is progressing nicely and I hope to have it up by mid-week!

Posted on August 5, 2008

  • The digital art community “Renderosity” interviewed me a short time ago. The interview is now up on their home page if you are interested. Here’s the link…