Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on December 21, 2007

  • I just wanted to again say thanks for all the kind wishes I have received regarding my healing process. I am healing faster than my doctor expected by still way too slow for my own liking.

    I posted an updated version of “Yuletide” in the gallery this morning. I wanted to do a Holiday wallpaper, but had to be a little less ambitious than in years past (since I’m still not 100%). I hope you enjoy it though and I look forward to getting back to full steam in 2008 (if not sooner).

    Jessie, Ian, Jason and I wish you all happy holidays and wonerful new year!

Posted on December 8, 2007

  • Time for an update on my condition. The healing process is going slower than I would like, but it is progressing normally. I visited my surgeon on Tuesday and was told to expect another two weeks of recovery. I’m visited by a nurse daily to change dressings and am still on pain medications (though I am tapering that off). Basically I just need to take it real easy for the next few weeks in order for all this to heal up (though I didn’t let that stop me from lifting Ian up for the first time this morning).

    I am at least thinking about my next wallpaper however and am looking forward to getting back to work as soon as possible. I haven’t decided if I will do a Christmas image or a more “generic” winter scene. Either one will probably be of limited use to folks, as I imagine neither Christmas nor Winter scenes stay on the desktop much past the 25th. Maybe I should just do an abstract…

    I will admit that I am not feeling the least bit of holiday spirit at the moment (I’ve only left the house once since returning from the hospital) but it tends to fill you when you least expect it. One thing that has really made me feel better is all the warm comments in regards to my last post. I can’t thank you all enough for the kind wishes.

    Just wanted you all to know what was going on healthwise. Bottom line: I’m healing up.

  • One other item to mention: Since last year I’ve had a contract with a company called “Wireless Developer” to offer my images as cell phone wallpapers. It’s been their job to market my images to the various outlets for cell phone images (my “Yuletide” image, for example, is a top seller on the AT&T Media Mall site).

    Wireless Developer contacted me last week saying that they’ve put together a storefront for my graphics. So if you are interested in downloading my graphics directly to your T Mobile, Sprint, or AT&T handset you can text “digiblas” to 32852. A nominal fee applies (I’m not sure how much they are each, but I get 50% of each sale).

    I wish I could offer you all a way to get these for free (since you are already Members) but they’ve put a lot of work into the store (formatting the images for all the different displays) and provide all the bandwidth. Besides, you are all welcome to download my work directly from the Members Gallery and upload it to your phone. The wireless store just makes it very simple.

    Anyway, give it a shot if you are interested. That’s it for now, I hope to post more soon!

Posted on November 30, 2007

  • I just wanted you all to know that I had to go into the hospital for surgery on Wednesday to alleviate a painful condition that had been effecting me since last weekend. I would rather not get into specifics except to say that I was in a great deal of pain from Sunday until Wednesday. I went to the ER Wednesday and they put me under Wednesday evening to fix me up. I spent the night in the hospital and returned home yesterday evening.

    The doctor tells me that it is going be another week before I can return to any semblance of a normal life. I’m not allowed to even sit at my desk. I am on the mend however and am supposed to get a little better every day.

    I know some of you are waiting for the multi-screen version of “The Astronomer”. I’m going to have to put a hold on that, and any Christmas wallpaper plans, until I am better. Sorry about that. Really, I’d like nothing more than to be able to get back to work but I have to wait until I am better.

    I will post more when I am able. Thanks for being patient while I work this all out.

Posted on November 21, 2007

  • Afternoon update: I’ve made a couple of changes to “The Astronomer” and have posted a new version. The clouds are a little softer in the new version and I’ve changed the color of the lights on the platform. The first version is in the Pickle Jar. Let me know which you prefer and I will keep that one in the gallery.
  • After posting “Song of the Sky” earlier this month I immediately set about working on a new “planetscape” wallpaper. I really wanted to have something done in under a week.

    It didn’t turn out that way though. Every night I would set it to render thinking that I would post the wallpaper in the morning, and each morning I found something that I wanted to change. Art is like that sometimes I guess. I just didn’t want to post it until I was completely happy.

    I’m as close to “completely happy” as I am going to get so my new wallpaper is now up for your review. It’s called “The Astronomer“. Sorry it took so long, hopefully it was worth it.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating!

Posted on November 15, 2007

  • I’m sure some of you are wondering if I will be posting a new wallpaper soon. I am working on it right now actually and I hope to have something up in the next couple of days. This one has been something of a challenge, for reasons that I will elaborate on when I post the image. Thanks for being patient!