Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on October 18, 2005

  • I’ve been getting requests for Halloween wallpapers for over a month now, but I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do one this year. When I sat down to start a new project over the weekend it occured to me that it would be fun (and hopefully worthwhile) to update one of my favorite Halloween wallpapers from years past. I had always liked “Midnight Trooper” from 1999, but looking at it 6 years later I can definitely see room for improvement.

    My new version (rendered using Vue d’Esprit Infinite) is now up for review on the New Images page (widescreen also available). I hope you like it! The rest of my Halloween images can be found here.

Posted on October 15, 2005

  • I was finaly able to coax my computer into rendering a multi-monitor version of “Autumn Cliffs”. They are up on the dual and triple-screen pages.

Posted on October 12, 2005

  • A quick update. We just returned from a week spent in Arkansas and Texas visiting with Jessie’s family. I would have rather flown, but Jessie wanted to drive. Let me tell you, 2000 miles in the car with a two year old is not a lot of fun. We made it though, and after I’ve had a little time to regain my sanity I will jump back in and get working on something new.
  • A lot of you have asked if there will be a multi-screen version of “Autumn Cliffs”. I have one prepared, but my computer crashes when I try to render it. The single-screen version was pushing the limits of my two year old machine, so perhaps the multi-screen version is just too much. I’ll keep trying but I am not hopeful. Perhaps it is time to upgrade again…

Posted on October 4, 2005

  • Added one last fall picture, “Autumn Cliffs“, to the gallery this evening (widescreen also available). The 4:3 version of this image looks ok, but it was really designed as a widescreen piece. Even if you don’t have a widescreen monitor, I ask that you have a look at the widescreen version to see it as I designed it. I hope you like it!

Posted on September 27, 2005

  • Two items today. First off, I got wrapped up in other things this week and neglected to post the multi-monitor version of “Accelerator”. Sorry about that. Triple and dual-screen versions are now available for downloading. I’m just now starting on a new wallpaper so it will be a little while before I have something to post.

    My second item is of a personal nature. We received “official” confirmation yesterday that a new member of the Bliss family is on the way. The baby is due sometime in late May. We took a home pregnancy test back on the 11th which came back positive (an awesome birthday present!), but we wanted to wait for the doctor’s confirmation before “going public”. Given the impact Ian has had on our lives, I can’t really begin to imagine what is to come. I will keep you all posted though. Wish us luck!