Getting back into fractals over the past few weeks prompted me to look around and see how fractal software has progressed since the 90’s. It seems to have progressed quite a bit. I purchased a copy of Ultra Fractal 4 and downloaded a copy of Apophysis 2 (it’s freeware). I only started using the software a few days ago, but I’ve already created a few pleasing renders that I would like to share. “Sublimation”, “Riven”, and “Diaphaneity” and all new on the new images page (widescreens also available). All are examples of “Flame Fractals”. I hope you like them. Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think.
Posted on August 12, 2005
I’ve added a script which will allow you to change your own password. You will find it here.
Posted on August 8, 2005
I’ve got a new wallpaper up in the gallery this afternoon. This one is directly inspired by my recent trip to Wyoming. One of the most beautiful sights of the whole trip was the sun setting behind Cascade Valley in the Tetons with Jenny Lake in the foreground. I’ve tried to create an idealized version, with a little artistic license, and the result is now up on the new images page (widescreen also available). I call it “Purple Mountains Majesty” and I hope you enjoy it.
Posted on August 1, 2005
A quick update. I’ve just returned from a weeklong roadtrip with an old friend of mine. We explored the Black Hills in South Dakota (highlights were Spearfish Canyon and Mt. Rushmore) then drove to Jackson Hole (stopping at Devils Tower along the way) and explored Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. Nearly killed myself on “Uncle Tom’s Trail” in Yellowstone (but it was worth it). We had a great time and I saw a lot of future wallpapers along the way. I plan on decompressing for next day or two and will get back to work on new images shortly.
Posted on July 24, 2005
After posting “Coincidence” I received requests to do more fractal based images. No problem. It’s fun exploring what can be done with fractals using a 3D program like Lightwave. My newest fractal design, “Fire & Ice”, is now up for your review on the new images page. Widescreen, dual, and triple-screen versions are also avaialble. I hope you like it!