Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on September 28, 2004

  • Dual and Triple screen versions of “October Flame” are up.
  • I took this picture of Ian yesterday (in his first pair of tennis shoes). He looks less and less like a baby every day.

Posted on September 26, 2004

  • Added “October Flame” to the gallery this evening, in anticipation of the fall colors we will see when we move to Illinois next month. The name would mean something else entirely here in southern California. Anyway, I hope you like it. Widescreen versions are also available.

    You may have noticed that the past three images I’ve done all share a similar theme; a path or river disappearing around a bend. I don’t think this a coincidence. I didn’t set out to be symbolic, but I think it’s interesting that what’s going on inside my head will usually manifest itself in my work whether I want it to or not.

Posted on September 21, 2004

  • I’ve added dual and triple screen versions of “Glimeren”.

Posted on September 20, 2004

  • I’ve posted a slightly revised version of “Glimeren”. I wanted to do one more tweak to the colors after I posted it last night. The new version is on the new images page and the original is in the Pickle Jar (named “Glimeren2”). The multi-monitor version is rendering right now and I hope to have it up shortly.

Posted on September 19, 2004

  • I’d like to thank everyone who has written me with letters of support regarding our decision to move back to Illinois (see post from 9/6 below). I’ve received far too many emails to ever hope to reply to them all, but I just wanted everyone to know that I’ve read them all and I thank you for understanding my situation.

    We are in the process now of trying to sell our home. It isn’t too much fun having people tramp through your house day after day, but hopefully it will be over soon. We think we have found a family who is interested and if we are lucky the house will be sold soon. Then on to the packing…

    I mentioned last time that things would slow down around here, but not come to a complete stand-still. I had the opportunity over the past few days to work on a new wallpaper and I’ve posted it up for you this evening. It’s an abstract which I call “Glimeren“. There may be an extra version or two in the coming days. I hope you like it!

    “Glimeren” is the first image in my gallery to be available at 2560 x 1600 (to take advantage of Apple’s new 30″ LCD) in the widescreen gallery. All of my future renders will be available at that resolution and I hope to have the existing widescreens all re-rendered shortly.