Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on February 11, 2005

  • Aloha! Thought I should check in and let you all know what’s been going on. No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth. Jessie, Ian, and I just got back from a trip to Maui we had been planning since early last year. We did all the usual tourist things like biking down Haleakala, attending a Luau, and riding in a submarine (in addition to snorkeling and basking in the sun).

    We had a wonderful time though we’re all severely jet-lagged now. After we’re all settled back in and sleeping properly I will start back in on some new wallpapers. Don’t be surprised to see a tropical theme or two…

Posted on January 30, 2005

  • I was looking over last years images recently and I noticed that my “Interiors” gallery only had two entries. I decided to try my hand at a new one and I’ve posted the resulting render up on the new images page (widescreen also available). It’s called “Obsidia” and I hope you enjoy it.

Posted on January 20, 2005

  • I’ve posted a slightly revised version of “Morning Glory” on the new images page. The original render I posted Monday and a version without the lady (and her cat) is also available in the Pickle Jar. Widescreen, dual-screen, and triple-screen versions are also available.

Posted on January 16, 2005

  • I’ve once again set aside my new software to create something using familiar tools. For my latest project I have gone back to 1998 and reworked on my favorite old images, “Morning Glory”. The updated render can be found on the new images page. I’ve tried to stay true to the original but also add a few touches which were not possible seven years ago using Bryce. I hope you enjoy it!

    A widescreen version is available and I hope to have multi-monitor versions available shortly.

Posted on January 4, 2005

  • Happy 2005 to you all! As I mentioned last time, I am still trying to learn a new piece of software. I haven’t managed to produce anything worthwhile with it yet, so over the weekend I decided I would take a break and work with some familiar software. A new render, called “Deep Blue”, is now up for your review on the new images page. A widescreen is also available.