Posted on March 27, 2005
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. My older brother Eric came to visit from Ohio. He’s a busy District Manager for Steak ‘n Shake so we don’t get to see him that often. Ian enjoyed getting to know his Uncle a little better and we all had a great time visiting and watching basketball (go Illini!).
In the midst of all that I was able to put the finishing touches on my latest wallpaper. It’s called “The Overseer” and it’s up for your review on the new images page (widescreen also available). I hope you like it. Multi-monitor versions will follow shortly.
Posted on March 16, 2005
Posted on March 14, 2005
Posted on March 8, 2005
After many, many requests, I’ve finally gotten around to adding an RSS feed to the members gallery. The address is I’ll mirror new image posts and other news items there so you needn’t keep logging in to check if I’ve posted anything new.
You will need a news feed reader in order to make use of the feed or if you are using Mozilla’s Firefox browser (which you should really give try) you can subscribe to the feed using the Live Bookmarks feature.
Please let me know if you have any problems, comments, or suggestions!