Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on July 28, 2003

Posted on July 26, 2003

  • After posting my updated version of “Gazebo” last month, I received quite a few emails from folks suggesting other images which could be revisited. My 1998 image “Conjunction” was mentioned more than once. Earlier this week I started working on an update.

    “Conjunction” is a tricky image to update. I still like the original and didn’t want to do a complete overhaul; rather I wanted to do an update which was faithful to the original but also updated the parts which I felt were a little clunky. Hopefully I was successful, but you be the judge. The result is now up on the new images page.

    There may be a tweak or two left before I’m completely happy with it, but I think it’s good enough to share. Let me know if you have any comments.

Posted on July 25, 2003

  • I’ve been working hard on a new wallpaper this week and I wanted to have it ready by this morning. Unforutnately it’s just not where I want it to be yet, so I’m going to keep working on it rather than post it prematurely. I hope to have it up sometime this weekend , or tonight at the earliest.

Posted on July 20, 2003

  • I’ve added a 1920 x 1200 version of “Mandala” to the widescreen gallery.

    I’ve also added a different viewpoint render to the Pickle Jar. This was the viewpoint I was originally wanted, but late in the process I discovered that I liked the “overhead” view much more.

Posted on July 17, 2003

  • Added “Mandala” to the gallery today. The thumbnail really doesn’t do this one justice so please withhold judgement until you’ve seen the hi-res image. Hope you like it!
  • Some of you have inquired as to how Jessie is doing. The baby is due on August 8th, but realistically he could arrive any time during the next 30 days. Jessie is holding up well but I think she’s ready for the pregnancy to be over. We’re taking a Lamaze course this weekend and trying to get everything ready around the house. All in all I’m pretty excited (and more than a little nervous). I’ll post here when I have more news!