Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on April 6, 2003

  • I’ve had a few different projects going since I returned from Illinois last week, and one of them I think is ready to show. “Agni” (def) is now up on the new images page for your review. It is a companion piece to last year’s “Indra”. Hope you like it!
  • I’m still working on putting my new CDROM together. It’s taken a back seat recently to completing this latest wallpaper. I’ll post here when it’s ready.
  • The “2003” gallery pages will go up after a post my next wallpaper. It has been my tradition to wait until all of last years images have moved off the “New Images” page before sorting this years work into galleries.
  • I’ve purchased a copy of Mojoworld last week and I hope to add it to my software stable soon. From my initial experiements it looks like it will take some time to get used to it, but if I can learn World Builder I think I can learn anything. Stay tuned for more.

Posted on April 1, 2003

  • Jessie and I got back from Illinois late last night and I’ve been spending today digging myself out from under a pile of emails. The purpose of our trip was threefold. Wednesday and Thursday we visited my In-Laws and some old friends in Iowa City. Friday we drove to Bloomington IL and spent the weekend with my family. Sunday I opened my showing in the local Barnes and Noble bookstore, and then went directly from there to my grandfather’s 90th birthday party (the real reason for the trip). The whole trip was awesome.

    Last Friday the Pantagraph, the local Bloomington newspaper, ran a feature article about me and my work. I was interviewed a couple of weeks ago over the phone. I’ve taken the liberty of scanning the article (it isn’t available from the Pantagraph web site) and posting it here for you. Check it out if you’re interested (warning to 56K users: it’s around 800 KB to download).

    I hope to start work on a new wallpaper either tomorrow or Thursday. I’m also in the process of putting together a new CDROM edition and a few new posters. The new CD will be available through CafePress, instead GoldenROM, so it will finally be available internationally.

Posted on March 25, 2003

  • After tinkering with “Core Chamber” for a couple of days, I’ve come to the conclusion that the version that I don’t want to add anything else. I’m going to leave it as is. I have posted one extra version in the Pickle Jar however, in which I’ve removed the red lighting from the chamber. I like the more consistent coloring, but not enough to replace the version in the gallery. I’ve also added a 1920 x 1200 widescreen version. I’ll start work on a new image next week after I’ve returned from Illinois (I hope to see a few of you there this Sunday).
  • Jessie and I visited the OB today and got another look at our developing baby. Everything appears to be progressing normally. We also found out that we are having a boy, which means I won the bet Jess and I had going (she now has to watch a movie of my choosing). As excited as I am to be having a son, I can’t help but be a little sad giving up my dreams of a baby girl. Maybe next time…

Posted on March 22, 2003

  • Added “Core Chamber” to the gallery today. I haven’t yet decided if I am done working on this, and I’ll probably spend the rest of today and tomorrow trying to figure out if there’s anything else I want to add. Either way, I hope you like it.

Posted on March 20, 2003

  • I just wanted to chime in here and say that I am busy working on a new wallpaper. I’m doing a lot of modeling for this one so it is taking a little longer than usual. I’ve also been distracted the past couple of days watching events unfold on CNN. I’d hoped to have the new image ready by tomorrow, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. It should hopefully be up sometime this weekend.