Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on May 2, 2002

  • I’m working on a new way to integrate the Pickle Jar with the rest of the gallery. Images with alternate versions in the 2000, 2001, and 2002 galleries will now have a “Picklejar” link which will take you to another page with a thumbnail-listing of the alternates. Hopefully this will be a little more user-friendly than the old way of navigating the Jar.

    There’s still work to be done (the pre-1999 galleries, for example, are not represented in the Pickle Jar) and the formatting is still pretty rough. Have a look around and if you have any suggestions or feedback please feel free to drop me a line.

Posted on May 1, 2002

  • I’ve posted one last update to “Spellcraft“. Those of you interested in the earlier posted versions can find them inside the Pickle Jar.

    A lot of you have asked if there will be a “Spellcraft” poster. The answer is yes. I’d like to have one myself. I’ll post here as soon as it’s available.

Posted on April 30, 2002

  • I’ve added a new render of “Spellcraft” this afternoon. Some of you rightly noticed that the lighting was a little strange in the first version so I’ve tried to remedy that. Some of you also wished for a different camera angle, but I’m going to stick to my guns on that. The straight-on and level view just didn’t have the same impact for me. Basically, enough of you seemed to like the first version that I didn’t want to make any radical changes. Still, I’ll probably post a few Pickle Jar versions before I move on.

Posted on April 29, 2002

  • I hope you all had a great weekend. I spent most of mine working on a new wallpaper, entitled “Spellcraft”, which is now up on the New Images page. It’s not completely finished, but I think it’s to the point where I would like to hear your thoughts. Hope you like it!

Posted on April 25, 2002

  • Added “Scorched” to the gallery this morning, the result of me playing around with Vue d’Esprit for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. Jessie saw the final render last night and said I should post it. It’s nothing fancy, but I think it makes an interesting wallpaper.