Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on April 24, 2002

  • There were a few bad polygons in the version of “Amazed” that I posted yesterday, so I’ve posted a cleaned up version this morning. If you visited yesterday you’ll also notice that I changed the title from “Amazing”. They’re both bad puns but I think the new title fits better.

Posted on April 23, 2002

  • Added “Amazed” (forgive the pun) to the gallery today. This was just an experiment to learn how to create a convincing maze. I hope you like it. Next time I hope to create one of those fancy hedge mazes (like in “The Shining”).

Posted on April 17, 2002

  • Thanks everyone for the wonderful feedback regarding “Necropolis”. I’ve taken some of your suggestions and I’ve posted a new, nighttime version up on the new images page. The earlier, daytime version will stay and they will each go into respective day/night scenery galleries.

Posted on April 13, 2002

  • This one definitely took longer than I intended. It was partly due to computer flakiness (see yesterday’s note), but you can also blame me obsessing over proper camera angles and atmosphere. Anyway, I’ve finally posted “Necropolis” on the new images page. There’s an alternate version available inside the Pickle Jar. I don’t think this image is quite done yet, and I would love to hear your thoughts about it (for example, which viewpoint to you prefer). At the very least I hope to not hear any complaints about it being too dark…
  • I received some good news from my doctor yesterday. My diabetes appears to be in “complete remission” (his words). It looks like my changed diet and all the time I’ve spent in the gym has paid off. I feel so much healthier than I did a year ago.

    He told me as long as I watch my diet, get plenty of exercise, and check my blood sugar once a week, I shouldn’t have to worry. Sounds good to me. Thanks to everyone who expressed concern for my condition. As I said before, I’m going to be just fine.

Posted on April 12, 2002

  • I’d planned on posting my new wallpaper this morning, but unfortunately I woke up to find that my computer had frozen overnight while rendering. I’ve restarted the render but it will take around 5 or 6 hours to complete. I should have it up this afternoon (fingers crossed!).