Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on March 18, 2002

  • Hi folks. Here’s the scoop. My brother Eric came out to visit from Ohio last Wednesday and just left this morning. It’s been a few years since we hung out so it was nice to spend some time with him.

    Jessie and I have been showing him the sights in South California so I haven’t had much time to work on new wallpapers (or do much of anything else). I did manage to get something new started over the weekend but it will be at least a couple of days before I have anything to post.

    I won’t say exactly what the new image will be, but I will say that it is not another abstract.

Posted on March 12, 2002

  • I’ve added a new abstract to the gallery today. It’s called “Organelle” and you can find it on the new images page. As you can tell, I love working with Xfrog.
  • Opinions were pretty much split down the middle over which verison of “The Gardener” should be used. Most people did agree that the brighter version in the Picklejar was a little too bright. I’ve gone ahead and posted one last render, a little bit brighter than the original but not as bright as the second version. This one will stay in the gallery and the others can be checked out from the Picklejar.

Posted on March 8, 2002

  • Most of the comments on my new “Gardener” render have been positive. Some people, however, have commented that the new version is too dark. This is partly by design and (I think) partly due to my monitor. I wanted this image to be darker than the old one, and I wanted the Gardener to show up more as a silhouette in this version. I wanted it to be dark but not too dark, and this is where my monitor plays into the equation.

    My new monitor (Trinitron circa late 2000) is quite a bit brighter than my old one. I can tell by looking at my older renders and seeing details where there had been only shadows before. An image that is borderline dark on my monitor will most likely look too dark on another screen.

    So, even while I prefer the version that I posted on Wednesday, I recognize that it might be too dark for some of you. Therefore I’ve gone ahead and posted a brighter version in the PickleJar. Does this look better to you? Which one do you think I should keep to display in the permanent gallery? Drop me a line if you have strong opinions one way or the other.

Posted on March 6, 2002

  • As mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been reworking one of my old (lost) favorites and I think it’s to a point now where I can share it with the rest of you. You’ll find the 2002 update of “The Gardener” on the new images page. I used Lightwave instead of World Builder to compose and render this version and I hope it meets with your approval. I’d be interested to know how you think it compares with the original.

Posted on March 5, 2002

  • I just wanted to check in an let you all know that my latest wallpaper is coming along nicely and should be up an a day or so. I’m reworking one of my old favorites which was lost during the “Great Harddrive Crash of 2000”.