Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on January 28, 2002

  • Most of the feedback on “Issuance” was positive, but not all. One nice lady scolded me for posting a picture of “glowing spaghetti”. Still, I enjoyed making my luminous pasta so I decided to stay with the genre for my next render. It’s up now on the new images page and it’s called “Something Blue”. I hope you like it!
  • I’ve added a “double-wide” render of “Issuance” to the Picklejar. Sometime soon I plan on adapting more of my work to dual-monitor format. Some are better suited for conversion than others, so I won’t be able to do them all. Specifically, works where the “main element” is centered (like “Something Blue”) do not work well. If you have some favorites that you think would work well split across two monitors, please drop me a line.

Posted on January 23, 2002

  • Added “Issuance” to the gallery this evening. Don’t ask me what it is supposed to represent, because I don’t really know. I like the colors though, and I think it looks nice on my desktop. This one is for Thomas from Denmark.
  • A lot of people have been writing asking if I can make wallpapers based on the Lord of the Rings. Unfortunately, the answer is no. From what I understand, only a handful of artists are specially licensed to depict Middle-Earth. They are each approved by Tolkein’s family, and I am not one of them. So copyright prevents me from doing any LOTR (or Star Wars, or Cowboy Bebop, etc) wallpapers.

    Even if I could though, I don’t think I would. I prefer that my work tell its own story, rather than borrow resonance from another source.

Posted on January 19, 2002

  • Thanks for the feedback. It didn’t take me long to figure out that “Court” was a little too dark and shadowy, so I kicked up the lighting a little and rendered it again. You’ll find it on the new images page, with the yesterday’s render now residing in the Picklejar.

Posted on January 18, 2002

  • I’ve just posted my latest render, “Court of the Azure Dragon“. Watching this one render has kindled thoughts of upgrading my workstation. My dual 1 gHz doesn’t seem as fast as it once did.

    Normally I would use this space to ask you for feedback on my latest render. It turns out I always like feedback on my latest renders, so instead of always inquiring about it here I’ve decided to add a simple “Send Comments” mailto link to each work on the new images page.

Posted on January 11, 2002

  • I’ve added a new render of “Sunflower“. The first render is still available in the Picklejar if you want to compare.