Digital Blasphemy | 3D Wallpaper

Posted on June 3, 2001

  • First things first. I’ve posted a new wallpaper for you to check out. It’s called “Scarlet” and you’ll find it on the New Images page. I hope you like it!
  • Jessie and I are finally moving out of our dinky apartment. We’ve been talking about it almost since we moved in 2 years ago. I’ve always said: “just let me do one more picture…” but that isn’t going to work any more. Besides, we’re both really tired of this place. I’m tired of looking out my office window at a featureless wall (really!). We’re both sick of the upstairs neighbors and their stereo. The list goes on and on.

    A couple of weeks ago we found our house. We made an offer, the owner accepted, and if all goes well we should be moving by the end of this month. The house is in a really quiet area and there is enough space so I might actually get some work done when Jessie is at home. There’s even a couple of extra rooms in case the stork pays us a visit 🙂

    We’re both really excited. If any of you have any good “new homeowner advice”, please feel free to send it my way. I’ll keep you posted on the move!

  • Print Update: As I mentioned last time, my first shipment of test prints were somewhat damaged during shipping. My printer took it upon himself to do up another set of prints and send them out to me. These arrived last week in pretty decent shape (good enough that I’m getting one of them framed right now) but they were still not in good enough shape that I would feel comfortable selling them. The prints themselves look incredible, or at least that’s what this nice lady told me at the frame store 🙂 I’ve posted some new pictures of them if you’d like to have a look (DVD case added for scale).

    I heard that rolling up the prints damages them (by warping the paper) so I guess this means the prints will have to be shipped flat, and secured within some kind of strong material which will withstand the shipping process.

    Anyway, I’ll start selling the fine art prints as soon as I discover the best way to ship them. If you like my work then I guarantee you will love these prints. I’m pretty sure they’ll be available before the end of the summer, just in time to help me buy some furniture…

Posted on May 24, 2001

  • I’ve added a new wallpaper to the gallery today. “Smidgeons” is up on the new images page and I’ll be adding it to the “Abstracts” gallery shortly. I used Xfrog to model the smidgeons and I you’ll probably see more funky objects like this as I continue to learn how to use the software. Please email me with any comments you may have.

    I’m still working on making posters available. I hope to market two versions of each image. One version will be a poster (suitable for tacking up on your wall), the other will be a print (suitable for framing). I’ve found a good printer to make the prints, now I’m looking for someone to make the posters.

  • Yes folks, I am still smoke-free. I haven’t had a cigarette since late October. My lungs have never felt better. Instead of smoking at my desk, now I drink ice water.

Posted on May 17, 2001

  • Ok. I suppose one is interesting enough to share. It’s called “Riverbend” and you’ll find it on the new images page.
  • No doubt some of you are wondering when I will be posting a new wallpaper. I’m working on it right now. Actually, I’ve worked on three different projects since I posted Singularity. However, none of them I felt made a decent follow-up and I would rather post nothing than post something substandard. That’s just how I am.

    The project I’m working on right now is coming along nicely and I should have something up before the weekend. The other two you’ll see sometime down the road. Thanks for your patience!

Posted on May 7, 2001

  • I had some poster prints done last week and I think they turned out really nice (though they were slightly crumpled when they arrived in the mail). I took some photos to show you what they look like. If you’re interested you’ll find them here. The DVD case was added for scale.

    I can’t say exactly when or if these will be available for sale. I just wanted you to know that I am working on it.

Posted on May 4, 2001

  • As mentioned last time, I am working on a new project. This morning I think it looks good enough to post. The image is called “Singularity” andyou can find it on the new images page. This is my first try at depicting this particular phenomenon so if anyone has comments I would love to hear them. I suppose I could have made this any color, but I chose blue in homage to the movie “The Black Hole” (one of my favorites).

    I’ve posted an early, more colorful render in the Pickle Jar. I’m still working on this one so don’t be surprised if you see a few more renders in the days ahead.

  • I’ve added an animated version of “Singularity” to the downloads page. MPG and DivX AVI versions are available.