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Bob Nolley [lifer]
Momcat, I fully agree! This opne really resonates with me year after year. It is the wallpaper on all desktops and laptops in our house from the 24th on!
Momcat [basicmember]
I was updating my Christmas wallpapers and was pleased to see Yuletide — one of the images that first brought me to your website many years ago. But the Pickle Jar version continues to take my breath away. Really touches something. Thank you for both of them.
Ronbear [lifer]
This is still my favorite of all your Christmas images. I love its simplicity and glowing colors.
ReggieMann [lifer]
Please make a mobile version for the iPhone 🙂
Chris B
I like it a lot… like the mall or wherever the tree is faded away.
Thanks for the comments John. I actually updated this one in 2007. It’s here Merry Christmas!!
John C
I really like the colors on the tree, and the way they reflect off the snow. I bet an updated version of this would have everyone in the Christmas Spirit!
John C aka Digitalblasphemy_Fan
Mike Webb
This one is so powerfully evocative. Normally throughout the year, I use Wallpaper Cycle to randomly swap wallpapers daily (many of which are DB :)), but every year around the holidays, I stop the cycling and put up this one and 1999’s “Blue Christmas” on my two Windows machines. These two are my favorite Christmas wallpapers, hands down. This is not to say I don’t care for DB’s more recent Christmas pieces, but these two happen to speak most powerfully to me personally.
I’m currently living in California, but I’m from upstate NY, and this image really makes me feel like I’m standing in a snowy field on a peaceful night, somewhere back home. Now that is art.
What really surprises me is how good these both look in spite of their age. If you look at most 1999/2000 DB images compared to more recent ones, it’s obvious that the rendering technology has improved greatly, but these two Christmas images somehow don’t look dated. Maybe dark scenes composed largely of many small discrete light sources worked well with the technology at the time … or maybe it’s just magic 🙂
I would LOVE to see 16:10 versions of these at some point…
I agree, this is good work, but The song of the sky is really great!
I like them both!
Regina Manning
This wallpaper is a currently a featured graphic in the Cingular Media Mall. I downloaded it today to my cell phone. It looks very nice 🙂
Phyllis Stafford
This one is my all time favorite. The colors and the simplicity bring me peace and joy.
Nate R. [nonmonthly]
What attracts me to this rendering is the solitude of nature and the good company of joy!