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46 reviews for Nanocyte

  1. WestNass [lifer]

    I found this image on a wallpaper scraper site back in high school, and had it as the wallpaper (in 640×480!) on my LG Chocolate II and EnV 2 for years before I had the money to get a lifetime membership to DB. this is the image that started it. This is how I found you, Ryan

  2. Travis

    I first downloaded this one years ago, and it is still one of my favorites. It’s perfect the way it is, doesn’t need color. I love all of your sci-fi-ish images, especially the ones that combine mechanical, geometric designs, with natural, organic scenes. Keep up the good work!

  3. JD Christian

    I need to learn Lightwave 9. 🙁

  4. Steve C

    This one looks like some sort of alien control implant. I say that because the area around it looks like lots of little skin cells. One can only guess at it’s purpose. 😛

  5. Ron

    I rather like this one. Reminds me of H.R. Giger.

  6. Overdrive

    I prefer your realistic work, but this is a truly effective abstract, done in black/white and with strong shadows, what makes it very creepy.

    Rated 8

  7. Brothernone

    No doubt this one pushed your new machine a bit. The lighting is very detailed and I like the odd sense of mysticysm. I’m a fan of your abstract works, and i think one is an excellent addition. And i must say i’m impressed how you can create original works that span from realistic scenery to the vague and abstract.

  8. mustang_racer

    Is it just me, or does this sphere look like the one in Containment?

  9. Bitflipper

    The first episode of Star Trek TNG was called Far Point Station. It involved a creature captured and made to transform itself into a city. The aerials of that creature on the ground and Ryan’s latest look most similar.

    An alternative view would be the weapon the alien creature fired in Independence Day.

    In either case, the detail is marvelous and a tribute, as always, to Ryan’s fervent imagination.

  10. Andar

    You are all forgetting that these Aliens see the world in infared. This thing is loaded with color, to an alien. Clearly its a massive colorful alien weapon.

  11. blaggamon

    Wow, I love this image.

    I’d just like to say that I think the choice to use b&w for it was a good one – it gives the look of a picture taken via an electron microscope.

  12. John

    The grayscale scheme is perfect. It makes it feel like a picture taken with an electron microscope.

    And it’s a very different feel than a lot of the other images, which is good for some variety. Very techno/sci-fi, but not in such an abstract way.

  13. Fernando Sanchez

    My honest opinion…its to weird lol, i dont like it that much. Ryan you done best 🙁 (the detail and the modeling is awesome as always)

  14. Jonathan

    Beautiful! I agree with the mechanical virus theory. I reminds of something that would be implanted on the skin of an HR Giger monstrosity.

  15. Zealot

    A great work. This picture remebers me to the “Matrix” movies and their machine town.

  16. Danny

    It is nice to see that for almost every new image, there is a dual and triple monitor version.

    I have a few workstations, with 1, 2 and 3 monitors and I am very happy that the dual/triple galleries are growing also.

    One small comment about the triple version:

    Since the two left arms are ending inside the scene, it rules out some of the guess work on what it is – it can no longer be an endless transporatation pipe.

    Not that I think this was avoidable, just wanted to mention it.

    Great work, love this nanocyte.

  17. Holobits

    I like it. As for what it is to me … I think it resembles a space mining facility on a asteroid or very rocky moon. Not much of a nano if it is that, but I like the image though.

  18. Daniel

    The nodular surface reminds me of a living cell. It’s easy to imagine that the ‘nanocyte’ is a microscopic cellular repair mechanism, or possibly a mechanical virus.

  19. Danny


    And an excellent idea to put it in abstracts, so each can see what he/she wants.

    I like the artificial virus opinion, I can relate to it.

    At first, I saw it as a deserted energy source sucking on the planet’s core, on some dark alien planet, made by long-extinct alien race – but I will bite on the “nano” theories as well.

    Although I agree that some color (e.g. blue neon coming from underneath) would be nice, I also think it will reduce the possibilities of guessing what it is.

  20. Nicola

    My coffee just got cold while I sat and contemplated this. Not something I’d use as wallpaper (I’m a landscape person) but an intriguing piece of artwork.

  21. Eric

    Great work indeed.

    As stated by others I guess a pickle jar coloured version could intensify it. Maybe just a drop of colour shining from the hollow will be enough.

  22. Simon

    I don’t like this one, it’s a bit too sinister looking and monochrome for me.

  23. John

    You’re absolutely spot on about using this as wallpaper – I don’t think I’d be able to see my icons on top of this. Excellent work, you have an incredible imagination!

  24. Link33

    I like it. It’s good to see another abstract with so much immersion possibilities.

    It doesn’t need color. I for one like your artistic instincts and that’s what I enjoy about your site. No sofa art for this guy.

    I think this is what the Borg from Star Trek would have come up with if the artists working on the culture of the Borg weren’t trying to make every machine scare the hell out of us.

    This is clean in an organic and artificial symbiosis.

  25. drow

    globally binky. i don’t know if it’ll end up on my desktop much either, but its brilliant. perhaps something in a cyberpunk or space RPG campaign?

  26. Adam Werner

    I think if there was colour (like blue) glowing from below the sphere, and coming up from the “hole” in a mist like fashion.. that would be sick!!

  27. zero

    This wallpaper reminds me of why I am a member on your site. Thank you!

  28. Jules Kain

    like many others id like to see a blue one and put this in the pickle jar 🙂

  29. Wheatabix

    I really like this image. I don’t think it needs colour.

    However, I think that it would be really interesting to have another version with colour – I think a steel blue “nanocyte” could be amongst the green susbstrate. Some deep reds worked would be good too.

    Keep pushing your new computer to the limits! If this is any indication, there are many more wonderful images to come!

  30. Billy

    is this a virus image when attacking a cell?

    would be nice if in colour i think..

  31. Grant

    I see it as some sci-fi, evil compound…

    …Or passing a kidney stone

  32. Dean Harding

    It looks kind of like Space Ball City (though a little more “organic”) – I love it!!

    Now we just need a multi-monitor version 😉

  33. Tony

    its really interesting, not defneite concept. its left to the imagination

  34. Mark Overholt

    An evil alien race has destroyed all life on earth. To finish Earth off, the have constructed a large mine shaft amongst all the bodies. Through this shaft they descend a large explosive, when detonated near the center, will surly destroy our uninhabited planet.

    Thats what i see at least.

  35. April

    I don’t know what I see when I look at this, but it’s almost dizzying. Very neato.

  36. James

    …if we could get a render of this with the device in color of some kind (gunmetal blue?), Ryan?

    I like the image, but I think it could use some color – that is unless you were going for a lifeless feeling!

  37. Troy

    It’s a mechanical virus from the upcoming Matrix IV. 🙂

  38. Acquila

    Very interesting and intricate metallic creature…

    I agree with many other comments..just add some color please!!

  39. Josh

    this image is cool and original. i disagree that it needs color–it’s more mysterious in black and white, and if it had color it would probably still be pretty monochrome. And if it weren’t, it would just look pretty bad. (this image in rainbow????) Nice work–this one can really make you think.

  40. Lazarus

    I think a little color would be cool. Maybe some dark blues and reds. Very nice image either way tho.

  41. Mark

    Amazing image. I’ve never seen this detailed of an image from any of your previous renders. I spent some time looking at it magnified to take in all the detail.

    At least for me, I see an artificial virus inside a body… creating it’s pathways to control the host.

    Black and white is perfect for this, it feels very malevolent.

  42. Andar

    It is clearly an Alien Weapon. 🙂

  43. Leoprivate

    Looks awesome. Maybe look even better with some colour.

  44. bmobile

    yeah, a picklejar w/ a lil color could be cool. the b&w is by no means bad. looks very industrial.

  45. Kyle

    Very well done. I was a little nervous seeing the thumbnail. But seeing it blown up is absolutely amazing.

    Monochrome is a perfect choice. Color would make it too unrealistic.

    Very nice work!

  46. AFH

    I think the title says it all. You can image this microscpic piece of metal attached to our cells. Or you could back up 1,000 miles and see some enormous meeting place with trains going in and out from every direction. Highly imaginative! Thanks for all of the great designs.

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