The Pioneer Spirit


SKU: pioneerspirit1 Category: Tags: ,


You may have noticed that I’ve been working to learn a new terrain modeler (called Gaea) for the past couple of months. I created this particular piece to get some practice texturing and shading my landscapes (specifically on high-slope areas). Hope you enjoy it!

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18 reviews for The Pioneer Spirit

  1. LBS91607 [liferplus]

    PLEASE do a night version of this!!!

  2. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    Love this, makes you use your imagination, mmmmm,,, Mars, or even a distant planet. Love the landscape and the lighting detail. Great Render.

  3. Mark [liferplus]

    Ryan, are you going to make the original version of Pioneer Spirit available in the pickle jar?

  4. DanP [liferplus]

    The Landscape is amazing and I love seeing the return of the human element. The figure and tower are great, but the domes just don’t seem to fit in… they’re just too clean.

  5. Rodewaryer [lifer]

    The landscape here is a home run, then you included the highly missed element of human intervention. I love your work, but so many times I see a planetscape or great scene in space and wonder if it wouldn’t benefit from something showing human (or alien?) presence. This is no blather or patronizing comment Ryan. This render shows some fresh thinking and creativity.

  6. Travis [lifer]

    I love that this looks like it could be the start of a Mars colony, in the not-too-distant future, except for the too-blue sky…and that the domes are too clean. 😉

  7. Romann [lifer]

    it’s a nice render, but i concur thay the contrast of clean and dusty was slightly too striking for my tastes. it reminds me of an old amiga render in higher resolution.

    but then i looked at the larger dome and i was compelled to try anf see what was reflected in the dome.

    i imagined zooming in and taking advantage of the shiny exterior to see a landscape and sun rendered in reflection.

    these tools are obviously for landscapes, bit have you considered doing a visual as seen in/through a warped reflection?

  8. Ramon R [lifer]

    I feel the distance in this one, meaning that it is obviously on a planet no where around here, but not only does it look distant, it feels distant to me which is one of the things I love about your work, it always evokes something deeper…

  9. redfoxiii [basicmember]

    This render is really spectacular!

    I’ve been a little critical of the texturing of your previous Gaea renders – this one is absolutely lovely. I’m really glad to see that this new tool still lets you work to your usual standard of excellence.

  10. weesam [basicmember]

    Looks awesome on my work desktop. Everyone keeps stopping to admire it and find out where I got it from.

  11. Ixias [liferplus]

    I like the serenity of this one, as well as the off world location!

  12. Timhogs [liferplus]

    If it’s Science Fiction, perhaps they use some sort of dust-repelling electrostatic surface? Or maybe a staff member with really bad OCD?

    Anyway, no 3840×1080 dualscreen?

  13. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This one really isn’t doing anything for me personally, not sure why. I do however can appreciate how much time and effort you put into it so great job in that regard.

  14. Mark [nonmonthly]

    Even though this may be considered a “new” construct, it could use a slight dusting unless it is in a total Vacuum, but still great keep up the good work

  15. Ryan

    I considered that but in the end decided I liked the contrast (going for that ?golden age of sci-fi? look). Perhaps there was a recent rain that washed everything clean? 😀

  16. Duane Harris [liferplus]

    I love the render, but given such a dusty Planet scape, the super clean Station seems off. The station would likely have a ‘dust shadow’ over it, where it was dull except against the prevailing winds.

  17. JKNorth [lifer]

    What I like about this is the inclusion of something man-made. Landscapes are great, but when you include something artificial: dome, stone gate, monument, etc. the piece transcends from merely visually appealing to an actual story.

  18. Richard H. [liferplus]

    Love this one! It really captures a feeling of the early stages of colonising another planet.

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