After creating my new version of “Singularity” I knew I wanted to try a scene observing it from a nearby world. I’d already done something sort of similar with “Samsara” and I didn’t want to replicate that. Instead I went for a more natural, terrestrial type scene teetering on the verge of annihilation. Yes, I’m sure a scene like this probably couldn’t exist due to its proximity to the singularity but I hope you will excuse my artistic license (once again).
I found that the blue/red version of my black hole didn’t really work for what I wanted to depict here so I rendered a new version with more uniform coloring. If I do a darker version I might still use the original. I’ll post that other version of Singularity in the Pickle Jar shortly after I render a multiscreen version.
Tatiana Taylor
I love the subtle menace in this picture. Since the accretion disk and the clouds are similar colors, you can mistake this for just a beautiful landscape at first glance, but then you look closer and notice the looming threat on the horizon.
Oh, wow. Beautiful and haunting and a little scary all at once. I really like the juxtaposition of the temperate green forests and sunny blue sky with clouds against the singularity looming in the background. Sometimes impossible, artistic juxtapositions are the best ones.
Mike McCloskey
Somewhere, there may be an advanced civilization inside the event horizon of a large black hole. For small black holes, you are already torn apart at the event horizon, for the mega sized ones, you won’t even notice– yet will never leave.
I just love your landscape themed images with a touch of science fiction. The colors are amazing BTW. I’m pretty sure you’re going to articulate a night version to this pretty soon, hopefully.. 🙂
[Lifetime Plus]
I love the colors in this one, it’s very peaceful. The singularity looks out of place to me on this one, could you give us this scene without the singularity as a pickle jar version. I can’t wait to see a night version of this as well.
As an artist you are free to create whatever you want to show us. I’ve been a lifetime member for well over 10 years and I’m always happy when your emails pop up in my inbox with whatever your latest render is. You just keep being you as an artist 🙂
Nathan Zachary
[Plus, Lifetime]
Though I’m not ready to give up winter-themed backgrounds just yet (I love winter), this is a fascinating image, Ryan! I enjoy the colours, and especially the angle of the “camera”. The only thing I’ve noticed is that the cliffs in the triple-screen look blown out in spots, and almost greyish-blue. That could be due to the lighting, but the lack of definition in those spots is distracting (at least to me).
Very cool idea, and truly the reason that I am always enthralled with your work–I come for the images that push boundaries. It doesn’t matter to me if it is “photo realistic” or even theoretically possible. I love the imaginative ones, so thank you. 🙂
Susan Rati Lane
[Lifetime Plus]
Wow. This one grabbed me the moment I looked at it. I tend to be drawn to your work most when the colors are more vibrant than reality. This one just nails a cross between wistfulness (with the mist) and awe for me.