Animus — Halloween 2017


SKU: animus1 Category: Tags: ,


Happy Halloween! Ever since I started learning The Plant Factory I’ve had the idea to create a “tree character” and it seemed like Halloween was the right time to try it out. The central figure and the “hands” were all created using Plant Factory and the scene was rendered using Vue.

I almost didn’t have it ready in time for 10/31 because my original version had some volumetric ground fog that I had to remove in order to shorten the render time. Maybe I will be able to finish that version someday…

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18 reviews for Animus — Halloween 2017

  1. Teri [lifer]

    I was waiting for this year’s Halloween wallpaper and ended up choosing an old one. Just saw this today (Nov 6). This is so cool, I am going to use it at least for a few days before moving on to a more appropriate wallpaper for Thanksgiving…

  2. Teri [lifer]

    I was waiting for this year’s Halloween wallpaper and ended up choosing an old one. Just saw this today (Nov 6). This is so cool, I am going to use it at least for a few days before moving on to a more appropriate wallpaper for Thanksgiving…

  3. Mark [basicmember]

    Been checking the site for a week before – didn’t see this till Nov2.

    Dual screen version would be nice.

    AllHallowsEve still my favorite…

  4. David [basicmember]

    I don?t like it

  5. Gene [lifer]


  6. Cheli [lifer]

    You have resurfaced my childhood nightmares born from some B movie I watched as a kid where the monster was a tree! Scary!

  7. Cincykn1t [lifer]

    I like it, it reminds me of The Thing – who knows if it is just posing as a tree today, waiting for its next victim?

  8. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    All Hallows Eve has always been me favorite holidays, and I love the Renders you turn out celebrating this fun holiday Great Job Ryan

  9. Angelo Palmer [basicmember]

    Please make in 3840×1080

  10. Brandi U. [liferplus]

    Love it. Excellent grin on the tree.

  11. P [lifer]

    IMHO, it will be hard for any of your new renders to compete with “The Black Angel” – the detail there was mightily impressive. This is ok in comparison, but I’ll keep BW version of Black Angel as my Halloween wallpaper, that one was an 11/10 in my book…

  12. Ross [basicmember]

    The title says it all. Totally freaked me out.

  13. JKNorth [lifer]

    Perfect fun for the season.

  14. Ixias [lifer]

    Love the moonbeams!

  15. Tina [patronmemberlifer]

    Halloween love!

  16. Phineas [basicmember]

    Huorn for Halloween!

  17. STATIC [lifer]

    It’s like my pumpkin patch has gone bad!

  18. Susan [nonmonthly]

    I don’t think I would like to meet up with this on a dark night. Well worth the wait.

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