Bad Moon Rising — Halloween 2019


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I told myself I wasn’t going to do another Halloween render this year but I found myself building a spooky forest and one thing lead to another. A little bit of Sleepwalkers and a little bit of Midnight Trooper. Happy Halloween!!

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30 reviews for Bad Moon Rising — Halloween 2019

  1. Adam [lifer]

    Best I’ve seen in a long time. Miss these kinds of renders, keep it up!

  2. Bruce [basicmember]

    “Theeeeere’s a bathroom on the right!”

  3. Jason [basicmember]

    A little CCR, anyone? 😉

  4. CordyBiddl [lifer]

    LOVE IT! That is Amazine!

  5. halletl [lifer]

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I love it!!

  6. Ryan

    Sorry for any confusion 🙂 I had a little fun with the werewolf in my latest render by showing him coming a bit closer in the days leading up to Halloween. I didn’t really mention it anywhere so probably only the regulars noticed. All of the versions (including one without the werewolf) are in the Pickle Jar now. Here’s an “animated” version

  7. Kaz [plusmember]

    I swore I saw a version that had the wolf more distant and profile to the view, howling? Yeah, that was with the original email. I think I like that one better. Still have time to run! =)

  8. Ryan

    I do indeed remember that show and it was probably the inspiration for this series 🙂

  9. Bruce [basicmember]

    I love the progression. I guess I missed version 3, but I’ll pick it up from the Pickle Jar. You might not remember the old Rod Serling show “Night Gallery”, but this reminds me of some of the “changing paintings” themes in that show.

  10. Ryan

    I hope you guys had fun with the different versions. All of them will be available in the Pickle Jar shortly (including one without the werewolf). I will be using the first version in the gallery 🙂

  11. Littlemom [liferplus]

    Ok you definitely upped the creep factor on this but I’d still like to see one without the Monster in it because I think that this render has some very Sleepy Hallow Effects without creatures of the night in it.

  12. Jim [basicmember]

    I thought the original was a 9.5 and blended well with the fog and overall ambience. This one looks out of place and strangely proportioned 8.

  13. Brandi U. [liferplus]

    Love the change! 🙂 Love both versions. Perfect mood.

  14. Ryan

    That’s odd…

  15. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    love them both

  16. Evan [plusmember]

    Love this one, however, I think the original upload’s werewolf was far superior. If possible I’d love the option of the other, and maybe even a wolf-less version?

  17. Gayle [basicmember]

    It’s gorgeous and looks spectacular on both my PC monitor and my little iPhone.

    The unforeseen perk is hearing John Fogerty’s voice every time I look at it. Nothin’ wrong with that!

  18. Tyler [lifer]

    You got to put the old werewolf back man. It wasn’t broke sir. The new guy is distracting and like Gamma said the proportions are weird. It was perfect before and votes would prove that.

  19. Gamma Lead [lifer]

    I peeked back to see this and the werewolf changed (coincidentally, the legs look disproportionate in this one). I think I liked the initial release with the more action-shot of human-esk wolf howling and transforming (and it was smaller, in the distance). Disregarding that, This has to be one of my favorite general pictures due to the nighttime blue, gloomy forest, but with the orangy/reddish moon peeking out. It makes for a very striking image, and is one of my top 3 favorite (haloween? general?) scenes. Excellent!

  20. Xetal [liferplus]

    …though I’d have liked a more zoomed-in version.

  21. Mark [liferplus]

    now, that song is stuck in my head. LOL. Thanks, Ryan!

  22. Rose [lifer]

    Halloween is my favorite holiday and my wedding anniversary 🙂

  23. ChrisW [basicmember]

    Very impressive! Ryan, you could actually do a series of Universal monster-themed images! So far, you’ve covered the Werewolf, Dracula (his castle, anyway), and even Frankenstein’s Monster back in the day!

    BTW, there’s no such thing as too many Halloween pix during Halloween.

  24. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    very fun render, very good detail, love it

  25. Corwin Amber [donormember]

    I really like this image. I actually wonder if it would be possible to get a render of this without the werewolf…?

    Any chance of that? 🙂

  26. Littlemom [liferplus]

    Love this one. It would be creepier without the person, or monster walking across the scene.

  27. Rodewaryer [lifer]

    I see a perfect scene for provoking eerie thoughts of what lurks in the night and definitely not cute little cuddly things. The whole scene is spot on, and the subtlety of the creature is perfect as it inspires plenty of imagination.

  28. Mark [liferplus]

    I like this 3. It really captures the essence of Halloween.

  29. Jacqueline Roos [basicmember]

    Oh, Wow! I love this, Ryan! The moon is just awesome in contrast to the darkness! Thank you so much!

  30. BobC [lifer]

    This is technically and artistically fabulous! It works so well on several different levels! SO very much fun!!

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