Beacon (Night)

(4 customer reviews)


SKU: beaconnight1 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


I thought it would be fun to create a darker, night version of my updated “Beacon” for those folks who prefer the night-mode desktops.   I still wanted to go with the red and blue theme but have lowered the sunlight angle and intensity dramatically.   Maybe only one of these belongs in the gallery and the other in the Pickle Jar?   What do you think?? 

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Beacon (Night) Dual


Beacon (Night) Triple

4 reviews for Beacon (Night)

  1. Gregory Meana

    Love It!

  2. Littlemom
    [Lifetime Plus]

  3. Kevin McClain
    [Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]

    Like both versions of this but I think I prefer this night version over the day version. I do agree with Jeanine that in this night version the beam is pretty bright but I still like this overall.

  4. Jeanine

    As a picture, I prefer this one. However, the blue beam is just a bit too bright for the desktop background, so I would use the other one.

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