Biodome Sunset


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84 reviews for Biodome Sunset

  1. Liam

    Yes, a Night version of this scene would be interesting, with the sky full of stars and/or the moonlight reflecting off the clouds and the structures. This is such a cool scene, Ryan!

  2. Tyler

    Dear Ryan,

    There is something about a sunset in a futuristic setting that grabs me here. This image is one of my top 3. This and Conjunction are among my favorite styles that you create. I love the ultra modern (borderline sci-fi) atmosphere, and especially when the colors are this vibrant and alluring. I could stare at this wallpaper all day long. Please my friend make more like this!

  3. Kris

    Hello Ryan, I just wanted to let you know that I love this picture. It is by far my favorite piece of work from you. The lighting, clouds, mist, all adds to this picture. Thank you for this great piece.

  4. Nimesh P.

    I really like the use of the forest enviroments inside of the dome along with the complex being in the sky, I can spend alot of time just looking at this wallpaper for how nice it is.

    I would really love to see a biodome night version, with the the night scenery, such as a dark sky, the stars, maybe a moon? I think the biodome would truly look amazing in a night scene

  5. Owen Clark

    Lots of people still ask me about my backrounds when they see them but this one has definatly caused the most comments. Superb!

  6. Jon

    I really liked the cloud work in the daylight one, but I think the lower light really brings out the detail in the dome. Looks great.

  7. Matt

    I think the blue lines on the tower should be out of focus, a depth of field type thing. For weeks I’ve been wondering what was wrong with it and I think that’s it.

    Amazing picture otherwise.

  8. Mikkel

    Is the dome actually the Arboretum from the outside? 🙂

  9. lotu

    I really love how this is done. This and the day version are some of your very best work ever. I’m really thinking after this that I should get a lifetime subscription becasue your wallpapers are totally awsome. Right now I have my desktop switch between this and the night version depending on the time of day. I really love how they go togeters so well. Also thank you for the triple screen. It’s really nice to have a fluid desktop

  10. Bill

    There are several aspects about Biodome Sunset that I like. The soft, life-giving feeling I get from the sun’s illumination and reflections contrast with the stark, man-made image that the blues lights and towers suggest. I see a dichotomy in the manufactured growth of the dome versus the natural vegetation on the planet surface, nice effect to use the same subject material to illustrate the two very environments. Thanks.

  11. Tommy

    I’ve always loved your work and i have been following it for some times now and i have to say that this picture plus Hidden Falls are the most amazing artwork i have seen yet, continue in that direction.

    PS. What’s your secret? 🙂

  12. Tommy

    I’ve always loved your work and i have been following it for some times now and i have to say that this picture plus Hidden Falls are the most amazing artwork i have seen yet, continue in that direction.

    PS. What’s your secret? 🙂

  13. John

    “Perhaps the last couple of posters who’re complaining about Ryans output being too slow would like to prove they can do better…. If, as I suspect, they can’t, then may I respectfully suggest they shut up?”

    Respectfully,you should mind your own business.This is a PAID subcription and that entitles me and other paid subscribers something for our money,beside pictures of Ryans latest vacation! I too provide a service as a living and if I disregarded my customers,I would be out of business.This is art,yes.This is also a business.

  14. cajmoh ( simon )

    I love this image at sunset. Very spectacular. The day image is definately my favourite of the two.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I have been reading a few reviews regarding DB’s image output. I personally think I would rather Ryan do 15 good images a year, as appose to 50 average ones. I judge a picture of Ryans by how long it satys as wallpaper on my Computer. I usually change them over daily ( I have a lot ). His recent work has been staying on my wallpaper for a good week, because it looks so Good. Output isn’t the issue, quality is, and you will struggle to find anything that compares to Ryans work. Love your work Ryan, keep it up.

  15. cajmoh ( simon )

    I love this image at sunset. Very spectacular. The day image is definately my favourite of the two.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I have been reading a few reviews regarding DB’s image output. I personally think I would rather Ryan do 15 good images a year, as appose to 50 average ones. I judge a picture of Ryans by how long it says as wallpaper on my Computer. I usually change them over daily ( I have a lot ). His recent work has been staying on my wallpaper for a good week, because it looks so Good. Output isn’t the issue, quality is, and you will struggle to find anything that compares to Ryans work. Love your work Ryan, keep it up.

  16. Jo C

    Perhaps the last couple of posters who’re complaining about Ryans output being too slow would like to prove they can do better…. If, as I suspect, they can’t, then may I respectfully suggest they shut up?

    Anyway, love this image, best for a while and it is now my desktop background. It always gets comments when people see it 🙂

  17. docpixl

    Another terrific wallpaper. Reading the comments, I stopped when two different people noted that the sun looked stretched. You people don’t watch sunsets very much do you? As objects outside of earth’s atmosphere travel to the lower edges of the atmosphere before they dissappear they will look distorted; the atmosphere is thicker when light needs to pass through more of the atmosphere as you view objects. It’s also why the moon looks larger when it is rising. It may not necessarily look stretched (the moon I mean) because the air has usually cooled by moonrise but it will look larger. And especially in these times of pollution there is more particulates floating around that add to the red orange color of sunsets and it all contributes to a less clear image. If you live in a large metro area it’s even worse. Enough, I am thankful for my relatively clear evening and early morning light. Thank you Ryan.

  18. John

    I appreciate Ryans work and to give him credit for it.However,his output is NOWHERE where it should be.I’ve seen months pass with 1 new wallpaper or an update to an older one.Insult to injury are pictures of his latest vacation to exotic locales! I’m glad he can afford this,but it is his subscription base that make these frequent vacations possible.The bang for the buck on DB is not what it was!

  19. ??

    im very disappointed on how long it takes for you to make new images

    there only been like 15 or less images this year, compared to the other years it very slow,

  20. Geoff

    I love this one. I can just sit at work and stare at my desktop to keep myself entertained. 🙂 Keep it up man, it’s wallpapers like this that make me realize why I subscribe.

  21. Mike

    Beautiful!! This is my current desktop wallpaper 🙂 I really love your scenery wallpapers best. I’m not too much of a fan of the sort of abstract art pics, even though yours ARE always interesting or colorful. I’m always really pleased when I see your newest wallpaper is another scenery.

  22. John Justice

    Wonderful Work Ryan,

    I had downloaded the day version, but this one really topped it for me. One of the many reasons I pay for an annual subscription to your site.

    For the Star Wars fans (like myself) it really brings up memories of Bespin (Cloud City).

    Keep it up.


  23. NXTKorp


    I like this one very much.

    Great Job!


  24. CK

    hey Ryan,

    great work again, it looks impressive and for the most part i like it. i thought the original (or 1st) Biodome was also spectacular (except for maybe all the white :D) and it honestly looks like it could be the opening movie sequence to a CGI movie.

    Anyway, with the sunset version, although i like it, there are some things i don’t like.

    With the 1st Biodome artpiece, the setting looks very “futuristic”, but in the sunset version the setting sun makes everything seem very bronzed and gives the impression that the actual dome itself is black (or darker in colour) and not white as it was with the 1st version.

    The only other thing i dont really like is the horizontal blue lines on the towers, to me, they just seem out of place.

    If it comes across that im taking a dig, then that is not my intention, i know that you value constructive criticism and i look forward to your next masterpiece.



  25. Dan

    Wow! This one is even better than the day one, and I really like the original! Very futuristic and well done night scene! Keep it up!

  26. Terry

    Hey Ryan,

    I’ve just spent a week down in Cornwall over here in the UK, its the closest we have to be being abroad and is ace for surfing, except this week when the sea was flat.

    Anyhow we visited the Eden Project if your aware of it. Its basically a set of domes very similar to yours built in an abandoned quarry. In which they have basically built a rainforest. Your work reminds me a lot of that place.

    Love it.


  27. Dan Grenfell

    Wow, what a stunning piece of work! 🙂

    I like both versions of Biodome, but feel that this sunset image is more desktop-background friendly. I love the blue lights piercing through the low-lying mist, very atmospheric.

    The only thing that jars is perhaps the neon on the towers which looks just a tad too uniform, like they were added post-render with a line tool in a paint package 😉

    Overall – fantabulous. The geodesic dome has reminded me of the Eden Project which I will definitely be visiting now, during my holiday in Cornwall in a couple of weeks!

  28. Abby

    I think the night view far outshines the day version. LOVE IT! Keep up the creativity!

  29. Danny

    I usually do not comment on the “sequels” – the Dual and Triple versions, but this time I want to say they look excellent!

    Very very majestic and futuristic-yet-possible.

  30. Bill D

    Great wallpaper. Love the night version. The atmosphere, lighting and overall mood is perfect. Thank you!

  31. starchild

    We are just about to build a geodesic dome for our new home…. just getting plans out of council…… this is fantastic! Thanks you.

  32. starchild

    We are just about to build a geodesic dome for our new home…. just getting plans out of council…… this is fantastic! Thanks you.

  33. Victor

    THIS WALLPAPER is why I joined the members’ section. This’ll be on my desktop for quite a while!

  34. Kyle C


    Ryan you never cease to amaze me. Your work just gets better and better; the amount of people that see my screen and say ‘where did you take that’ (granted for the more realistic images) just gets greater. The night version is fantastic – I think I prefer it over the day version (it just seems a little too light) but both are very good…

    Keep it up – I look forward to it 🙂

  35. Digger

    Wpw, If only it were real. It looks real enough. Antoher Screen Saver I’ll get all kinds of comments on. I’ve recommened your site to several people.

  36. Melissa

    Absolutely Amazing!!!

    Love it!!

    Thank you Ryan!!

  37. Spot

    Beautiful. My only (very slight) criticism would be that the sun isn’t round. It looks a little stretched.

  38. Willia,

    This is one of the best ones Ryan has done yet! however my only critisism is the fact that the dome already looked distorted with the triangles, it looked as if it was bending in. and now, with the light there in the background it kind of adds to the distorted look to it, as well as the fact that the sun is streched

  39. William

    This is one of the best ones Ryan has done yet! however my only critisism is the fact that the dome already looked distorted with the triangles, it looked as if it was bending in. and now, with the light there in the background it kind of adds to the distorted look to it, as well as the fact that the sun is streched

  40. Are

    Just beautiful!

  41. SlyVoltaire

    Absolutely beautiful. Someone mentioned a twilight night scene. I would just love to see that one. 🙂

  42. Getwired

    What do you get when you cross Bespin and Endor? I dunno, but it sure makes an incredible picture! (I think I see some ewoks in the undergrowth on Pad 3.) 😉

  43. Brent

    another fabulous wallpaper, time to triple screen it!!!!!

  44. Albert

    Reminds me of the old movie Silent Running

  45. Bill in NV

    Absolutely perfect Ryan. Need I say more?

    Thanks for the hard work.

  46. Phillip Deck

    Looks great, due to the lighting I think it was too bright on the previous image (daylight version) this one is a perfect as far as this atmospheric setting goes….

  47. Overdrive

    Ik almost never give a 10, because I think there’s always some improvement possible.

    But now I rest my case…

    Stunning!!!! Light, shadows, contrast, colors, it’s all in perfect balance. Although science fiction (which I like!), realism has never been só high.

    This must be an award-winning piece of art!


  48. Louise

    I always love it when you do day/night renders of the same image, the atmosphere this evokes is really special. Thanks again, Ryan.

  49. Patch

    This is one of my favorite scenes yet. You do some of the greatest works around bro…keep up the great work!

  50. Zealot

    I would live there if I could.

  51. Eamonn

    Extraordinary Ryan. Simply gorgeous.

  52. John A

    Evil genius dude…

  53. Liz V.

    Hi Ryan,

    These two images have been completely worth the wait. You have truly mastered atmosphere techniques of wispy clouds, and lighting…. just so beautiful!!

    Thanks for making a subscription a complete treat to have! I love having something fun to gaze at during my l-o-n-g work day 😉


    10 of course!!

    P.S. There are seriously people who never give out 10’s? That seems bizarre to me since this is a website for pretty backgrounds, not American Desk Top Designer 😉

  54. Lyle

    The day version gets a 9, the night version a 10. Really nice stuff, my friend — keep up the good work!

  55. Scott

    Night and sunset scenes are always my favorite. Excellent job on this one!!!

  56. Paul

    The aliasing is worse than usual on this one. It’s as if clouds are made of giant golf balls…

    Is anti-aliasing not an option during the render?

  57. Mark Devlin

    This picture is just amzing. Im glad you added the snset version.

    Is there anyway a night version could be done? With the moon and stars etc.

    I think it would look awesome. Keep up the good work!!!


  58. NikB

    What can I say – absolutely fantastic. I think this is now my all time favourite image (and a new member of favourites which is an elite little club!). This is also my first 10/10 – well done.

  59. Paul Bolstridge

    Now that’s more like it!

  60. Ebelch


  61. Tersha

    Aside from the scale, I’d think this was the outside of the arborium (arbo and arbonight) that you did a while back. The night version is one of my favorites. I’m not sure if you even noticed the connection between the two pieces, but take a look at arbo, and then at this. We go from inside the dome to looking down from the outside, complete with the warm sunset light. I love it, even if it wasn’t intentional.

    Thank you!

  62. Konstantin

    No need to explain, this image takes my breath away…

    I wanna be in this world standing in the trees…

  63. Michelle P.

    I was looking forward to a night version of Biodome, I couldn’t imagine that the night version would look as spectacular as what you managed to conjure up, Ryan! This is definitely one of my favorites. I’m so proud to be a lifetime member. 🙂

  64. Tay

    Ray Bradbury, Issac Asimov, Robert Heinlein and their contemporaries would be pleased that the kinds of things they verbalized you brought to visual life. Thanks again Ryan.

  65. Rich

    Trust me, I love your day version wholeheartedly…so take it as an extreme compliment when I say this one outranks.

    One of your most interesting concept pieces, please bring us more!

  66. Steve

    I am a huge fan of all of your night and sunset work, and this is absolutely one of the best!

  67. JoeB

    It has such a Cloud City feel to it. You’re going to have to do something pretty amazing to knock this one off the desktop.

    However, I have no doubt you’ll pull it off. 🙂

  68. Mike Barber

    My first reaction when I saw the picture was “wow”.

    I think this might be your best one yet. I can’t wait for the dual screen render!

  69. Pat

    First of all, wow dude, you’ve really outdone yourself this time. These two backgrounds have quickly become my all-time favorites, and I can’t wait for double and triple screens. The only thing I noticed however is that the 1280×1024 version of this picture doesn’t show up when I click on it. I hope you can fix that, that’s my resolution!

    10/10, keep it up.

  70. Pat

    Speaking of the double and triple screen versions, this kind of wallpaper seems like exactly the kind of wallpaper that could get severely “stretched out”, like Cosmos did. I don’t know if it’s avoidable, but it definitely seems like something to look out for.


  71. Mark Burgess

    Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer the darker versions over the lighter ones. I don’t like having a bright desktop background. I also appreciate dark images that don’t have too bright spots (e.g. planets, stars, etc.) in them… I’m afraid they’ll burn my monitor. Silly but true. Thanks, keep up the great work!

  72. Deanna

    I, too, like darker images better than lighter ones, generally, for my desktop, and this one is incredible. I do like the lighter version and had it on my desk top, but this one jumps out at me. You hit it dead center, imho, and I give it a 10/10.

  73. Tril

    I much prefer this to the daytime version. 9/10 for being a work of art, though a little too busy for my desktop.

  74. Jon

    I’m not too big on daytime screens, however… the original, daytime biodome was fantastic — seeing it in shades I love just caused my jaw to drop and, well… 🙂

    It’s never a wonder why I subscribe!

  75. Silver Bullet

    Liking the night one alot better 🙂 Can’t wait for dual monitor version!

  76. Lisa

    I’m not sure if either the daytime or sunset one is my ‘favourite’. Both are beautifully composed, and give me that “want to explore” feeling that I so adore in well done realistic scenes.

  77. Scott

    Wow, this is one of the most amazing creations to date. I’m very impressed, keep up the good work!

  78. alexM

    This is so awesome. I thought the first biodome was cool but then when I saw this one I had to set it as my wallpaper. I really like how it is just above the cloud line and has those two towers out in the distance and then the sun hitting off of the clouds. It’s all very nice.

  79. Pete A

    I have enjoyed your work for years and quite frankly I think this is one of the best you’ve done. 10/10.

  80. elmo

    Nice job with the clouds and blue lights!

  81. ArchSorcerer

    As many others have said, the daytime version was good, but this just takes my breath away. Most excellent work… will be on my desktop for quite a while.

  82. Joss Terrell

    Yeah, I had the same kind of thoughts; the day time was good, but now…this sunset version!

    I’m blown away by it, truly amazing.

    I particularly like the clouds and the different colours in them.

    This is definitely set to be a desktop for a while, any chance of a tri-screen?

  83. Sean W

    Wonderful Ryan, just wonderful. I put these on my screen at work, and I work the late shift, so these sunset pieces always accentuate my evening work shift.

    Thanks for livening my screen during the dullest part of my day! 🙂

  84. Patrick

    Yes, this is indeed a superb image that will be on my desktop for a while. Thank you for generating it for us. Cool job on the low level clouds.

    Now that we can see inside the biodome, I am reminded of a couple of your images from 2001 called “Arboretum” and “Arboretum Night”.

    Can’t wait for the next image.

    Keep up the great work.

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