

SKU: blossom1 Category: Tags: , ,


This is an old fashioned Xfrog experiment rendered in Lightwave.

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Wallpaper À La Carte

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67 reviews for Blossom

  1. gemgirl

    Love this one! The colors are beautiful and the details are outstanding. To me, the petals look tissuepaper-thin and super fragile, but the center looks so alive and vibrant and strong…a very deceptive looking blossom, indeed!

  2. MallyMal

    I don’t think I’ve ever rated any of your work a 10, but I give Blossom a 10+. The level of detail is awesome. Nicely done.

  3. Henry

    Is the depth of field. It gives it more of a life-like appearance and really focuses your eye on the blue cneter part of the flower. Excellent work!

  4. Floryj

    Blossom is cool but for some reason it required me to login again to download it (I was already logged in). I do open the files “in a new window”, but that shouldn’t require logging in again.

  5. MR

    Gonna buck the trend here and say that while I love the single-screen the dual-screen looks wrong to me. Part of it is the berries, which just don’t seem to belong visually. Part is the change in the angle, so the blossom is lying more flat than in the single screen. So I’m using this on my laptop but will pass on the dual-screen version.

  6. JwaStar

    I loooooooooove blossom. I’m actually lookin for a background for my site to exemplify my name is a Star like way and i think that I’m fallin inlove with that piece!

  7. John

    I typically use dual and triple screens at home, but only a single screen at work. I definitely think you should add some green to the single screen image.

    Is it just me or on the dual screen (I’m using 3360×1050) do some of the very inner petals disappear into the blue bulb?

  8. Justin

    First off – the dual-screen image is great!

    I’ve used your dual-screen images in the past with no problems.

    However, I’m having (gamma?) problems displaying this dual-screen image. The bright colors on the left side are causing a mis-alignment with the darker right side. Like somehow the contract in brightness has caused the image to become mis-aligned.

    Any suggestions?

    Hardware: Dual SyncMaster 941 monitors.

  9. S. Scavere

    I have to say that i like the dualscreen, not your best, but im sure you’ll wow us all with you “epic” scene. And for those of you who like the dualscreen pics but don’t have a dualscreen monitor, just get the pic go to where the file is and do the right click set as desktop wallpaper and it should fit the whole pic on you’re screen without distorting

    it. Just a note.

  10. Rob

    Liked the single screen version – waited for the dual for my setup, and I can’t say I like it… the blur on the berries or whatever just makes it seem kind of “blah”. I think this is case where I would prefer there were no “extras”.

  11. Chris B

    I really do like the extra stuff you add to the multi’s and I’m glad you’re doing it because when I eventually do upgrade monitors I’ll be set 🙂 I like the greens but I think i like just the flower better. It’s just more in your face. I did crop the triple screen down pushing the flower off to the right with some greens on the Left where my Icons are just to see & it looks good too. So if I want some of the extra scenery I just crop down & adjust one of the multi screens down.

  12. Chris B

    I really do like the extra stuff you add to the multi’s and I’m glad you’re doing it because when I eventually do upgrade monitors I’ll be set 🙂 I like the greens but I think i like just the flower better. It’s just more in your face. I did crop the triple screen down pushing the flower off to the right with some greens on the Left where my Icons are just to see & it looks good too. So if I want some of the extra scenery I just crop down & adjust one of the multi screens down.

  13. kellzilla

    Not at all! I am a single-monitor user (1920×1080) and don’t feel shortchanged at all. If there’s a multi-monitor image that I want to use, I will manually crop it to my monitor’s size, or I will frame it with a single color if I want to see the whole thing.

    With this render, I actually like the single-monitor image more than the multi. Without the berries, etc., it looks much more alien!

  14. Tom

    I wouldn’t call myself shortchanged because I only use one monitor, but the last few multi-screen renders have made me want to upgrade! I’d call it “Stimulating the economy”! 😉

  15. Greg in CA

    Let them eat cake. 😉

  16. Chad

    Put away the blue brush as promised I see 🙂 Good work.


  17. Foz

    This is why I love you providing triple screens for this scenario! 😀

    Sometimes I get the maximum size triple to get a zoomed in subsection. There was one you did I think last year that had a very subtle unicorn in a forest, and I loved that I could get a better view of it. 🙂

    Keep up the good work!

  18. James

    How hard is it to produce a alternate color version flower, I was thinking of your render entitled “Cobalt Daisy (2002)” as inspiration for the color scheme.

    with <3


  19. Nick

    I liked the single screen version of this, but felt it needed just a little something more. As soon as I saw the dual screen image I knew what that was. The little wider frame made all the difference to me. Love it.

  20. Ryan

    That’s your option Foz. Didn’t know if people would want this one split down the middle.

  21. Foz

    A custom dual screen using the centre of the triple screen I find is better than a offset available dual screen. Once I do that, 10/10!

  22. simon

    Could you add a zoom out for the single screen monitor version so that it includes some of the greens like the multi’s? I find the current version a bit bright, but like the added green’s from the multi.

  23. Lidia

    I agree that the multiscreen is so much nicer than the single screen; the greens make it look so much better. But I only have one screen… oh well…

  24. Jonathan

    That’s not fair. 🙁

    I like the multiscreen version a lot more!

    I love the greens!

    It makes the flower look so much more unique.

  25. Dave

    3360×1050 resolution is missing (but is available for previous renders). Please could you add this?

  26. Greg in CA

    Sigh… 😉

  27. Ryan

    For a long time the complaint was that I wasn’t really adding anything new in the extra frame space (just widening the scene). Now I’ve tried to add some interest in the extra space and the single screen users feel short changed.Fascinating!

  28. Eddie

    This is the second image I’ve seen in the past year that has used whatever DOF blur you are using and causes the textures in the immediate background to look flat. The berries have no depth on top of the leaves and it all just looks flat.

  29. Adam

    I have enjoyed your work very much. I know you already put a lot of time and effort into these, but I also have to agree that a good portion of the multi-screen renders are superior to their limited siblings. Is it possible to have single screen renderings of the multi-screen scenarios?

  30. Adam

    I have enjoyed your work very much. I know you already put a lot of time and effort into these, but I also have to agree that a good portion of the multi-screen renders are superior to their limited siblings. Is it possible to have single screen renderings of the multi-screen scenarios?

  31. Henry

    Now that I’ve dated myself:

    It’s very cool and interesting! I like it a lot!

  32. Andy

    Cool. Something different for a change. Nice hues, but as Gage put it a little to saturated for my liking.

  33. Gage

    I like the overall gist of the picture, but for me i would never use it as a background. I tend to stay partial to the less bright hues and saturations. I prefer my screen to be dim, but beautiful. The underwater scene is my all time fav. I use it for my desktop, laptop and droid.

  34. Jonathan

    I like this wallpaper and am glad to see another abstract image. The contrast in colors is nice too. Overall I would give it a 7-8/10, and it’s on my desktop right now.

  35. Ryan

    Can you put a finger on any specific reasons Elena?

  36. Elena Woon

    I really, really do not like this one. But it’s a matter taste.

  37. Kyle

    Overall this is a very good looking piece. The edges look a little fuzzy, I wonder if this would look better if you zoomed out a bit so you could see the flower and it’s surroundings a bit more.

    Always enjoy your work

  38. Miguell026

    cool… =P

    very stylish!

    hope your new epic rendering arrives soon 😉 im curious to see it now!!

    keep it up Ryan! great Work!

  39. Chris

    i like what you did with this wallpaper….

    are you going to make more color variations of it ?

  40. Stephen

    This is one of my favorites! I particularly like the out-of-focus petals and the contrasting yet complimentary coloring.

  41. Jimmaresa

    Really looks great but, as you say, it is a work in progress.I’l wait till the finished product.

    Thanks for all the hard work you do.

    It is truly amazing.

  42. The Guru

    I don’t know why this one’s scoring in the sevens. I love this picture. It’s not my all-time favourite, but it looks pretty darn amazing. I love the way the center lights up the surrounding petals.

  43. Josh

    I love the detail and the sharpness of the picture, all the colors work perfectly!

  44. Guido

    Especially on my MacBook Pro this wallpaper is very beautiful.

    The motive is great and the colors just work.

    I am also really looking forward to your new scenery 🙂

  45. KRingg

    These types of other-worldly abstracts have always been my favorites. I love the variety of work you do. Keep it up!

  46. kellzilla

    Hey thanks! Didn’t know about hard refresh. Made it worse the first time I did it. Then did it again and it fixed it. Thanks!

    Anyone else think this pic is great? I’ve had it up for about 4 hours now and it really looks cool. I like this simple image. Sometimes the simple images turn out to be a diamond in the rough. Good work Ryan!

  47. Will

    I can appreciate the detail and even the angle, but it is just not my thing. I guess I feel like it is too close? Or maybe the blue in the center distracts me. Good, but not my favorite.

  48. Chris B

    I like it, and I don’t think it looks flat anywhere. I am trying to figure out what kind of flower it is, looks like a cross between a sunflower & a carnation?

  49. celmendo

    At home on my mac it looks a lot better and less “flat”. On my PC at work the middle looked a lot like a blue headlight. Stupid cheap monitors

  50. Dan M

    This is an excellent image! Very well done and definitely on par!

  51. kellzilla

    My resolution is also 1920×1080 and I have no orange bar across the bottom of the pic that I downloaded. Possibly an artifact of your download. Suggestion: Hard refresh (CTRL+F5 on most browsers) to clear the cache and re-download the image.

  52. dejerdejer

    I like the pic. But the 1920×1080, my resolution size has an orange bar that is across the bottom of the pic. Take a look.

  53. Scott

    I’m excited for the dualscreen version 🙂

  54. Kyle

    Out of all the different wallpapers you create, I think I love your abstracts the most. They are simple yet intoxicating. Thanks again for the great wallpaper, I’m looking forward to this monster render you have!

  55. celmendo

    Very pretty. The middle looks a little “flat”. Very nice though.

  56. Ryan

    Thanks Ray. I’m a big Muse fan so maybe there was a subliminal influence…

  57. Ray

    In fact, a line from “Muse – Mk Ultra” just came to mind – ‘it resonates the core, creates unnatural laws’. pretty apt!

  58. Ray

    I’ve always been a massive fan of your abstracts, and although this is a flower (not exactly abstract, but not a scenery either), it just looks fantastic. Love it.

  59. anna_writr

    Nice simple image! I like the glowing center, as if it will explode or shoot beams of energy.

  60. Ryan

    The new scenery was taking too long to render so I offloaded it my alternate machine and worked on other projects while it spun.

  61. Greg in CA

    Nice though, but on my tiny work monitor it looks a little plain. I’ll take a better look when I get home.

  62. MG

    I have to say it’s very good for a “quick one…” I like that it looks a bit more computer generated than a landscape or scene, It seems like a throw-back to some of your earlier work when Computer art couldn’t produce such realistic images…

    Keep up the excellent work! By the way I love the realistic images but every once and a while some of the older computer gen images are a nice change… I still have many rotating through my desktop!

  63. Samuel

    Sweetness. Oh, and props for being a MUSE fan.

    I love it, but I’m also excited for this delayed render…

  64. Samuel

    Sweetness. Oh, and props for being a MUSE fan.

    I love it, but I’m also excited for this delayed render…

  65. Chris

    You did a great job with the detail Ryan. I personally love a wallpaper named “Blossom” during the last cold winter month just before spring kicks off. Gives me something to look forward to. 🙂

    Thanks for another great piece.

  66. RG

    living in hawaii, i couldn’t help but be reminded of the many varieties of protea that grow here. i am sure that the protea must have served as your inspiration for this one…

  67. FynDara

    Had a few calming moments looking at your pictures listening to some good music . . . browsing your artistry and enjoying myself immensely. I took the Mushrooms to be my desktop for a while, stunning.

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