Blue Christmas (2002) — Christmas 2002


SKU: bluexmas2k2 Category: Tags: , ,


One of my most popular Christmas wallpapers. The first “Blue
” was rendered using World Builder and the lights were
added in Photoshop. For this version I rendered the scene using
Lightwave. The tree lights are the same tech
that I used for Pyre

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= No watermark version, for Plus members only. NOTE: On this page, this icon is a link by itself.

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The a la carte tool is intended for non-Members who which to purchase individual wallpapers. Members can use this tool if they wish to send images as gifts to friends and loved ones.

Single Screen Resolution *
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8 reviews for Blue Christmas (2002) — Christmas 2002

  1. Ryan

    I didn’t catch the episode but I am pretty sure I haven’t licensed the image to the Ellen show. I wish these people would ask me first!!

  2. Amanda

    I watched Ellen today and I swear I saw this exact image used for their Christmas Giveaways promo! If it was, I’m so excited for you!

  3. Tammy

    This picture is the reason I joined this site..I’ve had this picture on my computer for years at Christmas-time…Probably one of the most peaceful images in existance. Thank you for sharing this lovely picture with all of us.

  4. Kris

    Depuis des Années je retrouve ce Blue Sapin avec autant d’émerveillement , pourtant , il y a beaucoup dec sapins depuis 2002 , mais celui ci est extraordinaire…ce site est sublime !(entre autres images bien sur :))

    Bon Noel à tous !

  5. Blake

    I’ve always thoroughly enjoyed this background. I often leave it up long after the holidays and a good deal before the Christmas season each year. I would hope that you could update this background to include more resolutions for dual and triple screens. It’s a great picture and i would love to expand it across my entire desktop.

  6. Amanda

    Once I became a member and went through all of your images, this one became my permanent Christmas wallpaper. I change to it on December 1st and don’t change again until sometime in January. Blue is my favorite color, and this tree is so beautiful I could stare at it all day. Thank you for making Christmas look so peaceful and serene.

  7. tzumwalde

    This picture reminds me of when I was a little girl and I use to sleep under our Christmas tree at night. Brings back nice memories. I love this Christmas picture.

  8. Xircuits

    This my favourite Christmas tree of all time. Whenever the holiday looms, I change my wallpaper to this one. That bright star on top of the tree gives off a feeling of hope.

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